REMOVE item from array

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Re: REMOVE item from array

Post by SpeakEasy »

>not clear , for example in the VB editor,

yep, probably not helped by Microsoft making Form1 the default startup object in the VB6 IDE rather than Main- but then they were just trying to make it work like previous versions of VB, going all the way back to non-object orientated versions of VB, such as 1 and 2

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Re: REMOVE item from array

Post by Doc.AElstein »

Yes, it may not all be down to incompetence, it seems the whole object idea is deliberately vague, and there can be some good reasons, I am not so clued up on it all, I guess that vaguality can help to keep some backward compatibility even as far back as “normal” basic, and I personally am certainly all in favour of that, so I am not quite as cynical as I may sometime appear.
Just out of passing interest, how would you describe the sheet code modules in the VB editor, if you were asked if it was a
Class module
or a
object code module,
what would you say? It seems to be a question people don’t care usually to answer, even a profi that answers all else

( I would say that Microsoft choose not to show us the Worksheet Class modules: What we see is instanciated worksheet object code modules )
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