A "rename" convenience

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A "rename" convenience

Post by GeekGirlInFurs »

Hi. I just happened to stumble on a useful trick I didn't know was possible.

In Windows Explorer, I happened to have two files selected, having just moved them there from another folder. I wanted to rename each of them. Unintentionally, without first selecting just one of them (which I would normally have done), I pressed F2, to rename. One of the files (as it turns out, the last one to be selected) let me rename it as usual, while both it and the other one remained selected. Then when I pressed Enter, both files were renamed to the same file name, with (1) and (2) appended.

Has that always been possible? So useful!

Were others aware of this? If not, I hope you find it useful!


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Re: A "rename" convenience

Post by HansV »

Thanks - although this feature has been available since at least Windows XP, I don't think many users know about it, so it is a useful tip indeed!
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Re: A "rename" convenience

Post by AlanMiller »

I am more often in a position of wanting to rename the (1) (2) ... versions with more distinct/ useful names.
But it's a nifty trick to know about.


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Re: A "rename" convenience

Post by Rudi »

That trick has been around for a while. I discovered it while looking for a more formidable file renamer some years back. But as mentioned above, tips are always great to know, so TX for the share!

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Re: A "rename" convenience

Post by ChrisGreaves »

GeekGirlInFurs wrote:Hi. I just happened to stumble on a useful trick I didn't know was possible.
Hello GGIF
I too stumbled, wasn't "taught" this.

I often have pairs of files - a MDB database and a DOC/DOT application, both with some sort of versioning in the name.
Before making a big change I like to copy the pair and rename them, so e.g.

MyApp045.MDB and MyApp045.DOT to become (both) 046.

It is a handy feature ...
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Re: A "rename" convenience

Post by BobH »

Thanks for the tip, GGIF!
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