Mobile Mail Apps

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Mobile Mail Apps

Post by BobH »

Being pre-disposed to be a curmudgeon - but not a Luddite - I want a mobile mail app that works like Thunderbird. I can find a portable TB for Windows but not for iOS or Android OS. bummer!

So, I got to thinking what it is about TB that I like that I cannot find in a mobile email client app. First, I can set up as many different email accounts as I have email addresses and Thunderbird will put mail addressed to them in separate inboxes. Second, I can set up sub-folders for each inbox and create filters based on different components of email messages and TB will automatically put mail with those characteristics in the sub-folders. Perhaps most importantly, TB allows me control over what email is on view.

An example might help to clarify:
Say I have 7 email accounts with different addresses. Each has its Inbox/Drafts/Sent/Trash folders. All incoming email is directed to the Inbox folder; but, if I set up sub-folders I can set up filters that will examine inbound mail and route it to the sub-folders. Suppose I want all email from Eileen's Lounge to be segregated in its own place so that I don't miss any messages in the plethora of other inbound messages. EL has my address so TB sends it to that account's Inbox; but I've set up a sub-folder for mail from Eileen's Lounge, and I've created a filter that looks at the From field and when "admin@eileenslounge" shows up in that field the message is routed to the Eileens sub-folder and not the main inbox.

You get the drift, I'm sure. There are probably countless ways to manage inbound email and countless variations. What I'm finding though is that the mobile mail apps are not so robust as to allow this. Or, maybe I'm just having increased senility and haven't figure them out yet.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and gratefully received.

:cheers: :chocciebar: :wine:
Bob's yer Uncle
Dell Intel Core i5 Laptop, 3570K,1.60 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Windows 11 64-bit, LibreOffice,and other bits and bobs

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Re: Mobile Mail Apps

Post by JoeP »

Check out Outlook Mobile. It is for IOS or Android.