Problem SumProduct with Comma

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Problem SumProduct with Comma

Post by JERRY89 »

Hi All,

I do have a problem using the formula of Sumproduct when i need to find out a few product total amount and this formula just work great SUMPRODUCT(--(LEFT('Sheet2'!$D:$D,7)=$C$13),--(LEFT('Sheet2'!$E:$E,4)<>"Pen"),--(LEFT('Sheet2'!$E:$E,4)<>"Book"),'Sheet2'!$F:$F) but the problem arise when in C13 i wanted to sum few product code for example in C13 column =HT4568,HT8963 when i wanted to put such comma to sum up value in sheet2 then this formula had failed to perform so may i know is there any solution.

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Re: Problem SumProduct with Comma

Post by HansV »

You could place each value in a separate cell, e.g. HT4568 in C13 and HT8963 in C14. Then add the SUMPRODUCT formulas for each cell.

1) HT4568 and HT8963 have length 6, not length 7, so you should use LEFT(...,6) instead of LEFT(...,7). Or use LEFT(...,LEN($C$13))
2) Pen has length 3, so LEFT('Sheet2'!$E:$E,4)<>"Pen" is always true. Use LEFT('Sheet2'!$E:$E,3), or LEFT('Sheet2'!$E:$E,LEN("Pen"))
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