I have some questions a bit further below.
You might prefer to skip this next background summary , but I add it just in case how it came about is relevant or of interest……
Background: (unconventional wipe & re install )
Some time ago, I inherited a cobbled together computer, originally a Dell , but not much like in its original condition , from my Father in law.
A then time, neighbour of my father in law, a very talented computer expert, but also very dubious character , built it for him.
( Asking either of those two people about the computer now, is no longer an option. )
It had Windows 7 operating system 64 Bit professional on the C: drive when I was given it. ( The C drive is untypical small).
I used the computer initially, but as time went on the C drive kept filling up , despite me continually de installing and deleting almost everything on it. ( The bar on C: Drive was always showing red: https://imgur.com/f3DFu8o" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; )
( A bag came with the computer when I inherited it. Amongst other things was an official looking Microsoft disk…
“ Windows 7 Upgrade “”WindowsAnytime”” Windows 7 Home Premium 32-Bit-Software “
Some time ago I tried to do things with that disk based on many internet searches, forum suggestions etc.. … But I could never do anything with it. Usually I got some message saying my computer was already at a higher level than that upgrade would bring me to ..)
On and off for about a year, I spent many hours / days on the internet and in a few forums and tried, I think, every published solution to cure the problem of the C drive filling up. Eventually it got so full, it was no longer usable. I couldn’t even delete the last few ( very small ) things that were on it as it always errorod saying that it had no space to work in.
Yesterday my wife and I decide to have a bit of fun and decided soon to smash the computer to pieces with a big axe and bury it in the garden.
As we now had nothing to loose we experimented wildly pulling the plug randomly , plugging it back in , hitting every F key as it powered up and wildly changing things in the DOS BIOS wot ever ….
This went on for several hours with a bottle or two of good wine to inspire. Occasionally we put discs in the computer, occasionally not, whilst experimenting.
I have no idea how , but suddenly the 32-Bit disk which was currently in the computer at that time burst into life, and went through an easy to follow operating system instillation. For no special reason I chose to install it on the F: drive instead of the offered and usually used C: drive.
At the end, it asked for the 25 character key. I found such a 25 character key written on a scrap of paper in the bag , (which accompanied the computer when I got it ), and typed it in. The computer restarted and I appeared to have a new computer running from the F: drive. It seems to work great, with just the small inconvenience that some Keys are on a different place on the keyboard to where they are indicated as being.
If I now left click Microsoft Start and the right click on Computer and select Properties, then I see this
1 2 3 Alan 32 Bit F drive.JPG : https://imgur.com/y85gfzd" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Alan 32 Bit F drive.JPG : https://imgur.com/1Fyil69" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
We opened a bottle of champagne and experimented further,
My wife suggested doing this on the C drive:
Format C Drive.JPG : https://imgur.com/ocvSnxG" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
( At that time the bar on C: Drive was still showing red as it had done for the last year )
I told her not to do that , as I used to “format the C drive” about 25 years ago and a work mate of mine always got very upset , and started feeding disks into the computer to repair it…
My wife laughed at me, and did it anyway. It wiped the C: clean in less than a second – I had been trying to do that for over a year. ( It did not give any warning – it just did it , and instantly the C: drive showed that it was empty )

I remembered I had a ISO disk made from an unsuccessful attempt some time ago at re instillation from here…. http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic. ... 35#p200050" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I also had a look at a borrowed Win 7 Pro 64Bit disk from a local Dealer who gave up trying to install Win 7 for me… They looked the same.
I put mine in and we had fun again for a few hours. After a while the disk sprung into life and did an operating system install . I chose to put it on the C drive this time. At the end it asked for a 25 character key. I bought one for 2 Euros over the internet ( ebay ) and typed it in.
I now have a second installation . This time Win 7 64 Bit Professional . It works perfectly , and the C drive is looking “normal” that is to say, no longer in the red :-) ( Unfortunately I still don’t know how to do it or how we did anything. But never mind. :-) )
Petra Win 7 Prof 64Bit.PNG : https://imgur.com/FdB5ODL" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
When I restart the computer it asks me if I want Windows 7 or Windows 7 – ( I have two to chose from. The first gets me at the C drive 64Bt and the second gets me at the F drive 32 Bit.
I now have a “new” self made computer. It has
on the F: drive Windows 7 Home premium 32Bit
on the C: drive Windows 7 Professional 64Bit.
AlanPetraKlaus 15Jan 2019.JPG : https://imgur.com/Y2K1VkT" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; At the moment it has very little else on it..
Q.1 Virus protection
I have installed Microsoft Security Essentials on the F Drive. Will that “protect the computer”.? Or should I install it on the C drive also?
Q. 2 Programs like Microsoft Office
Do I have to install these on all the drives that I want to use it on. Or can I install on one drive and use it from both?
My initial experiments suggest that I do….
Q. 3 Updates
I would like to use my “new” computer for some current investigations concerning the effect of Updates on some programs ( http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=31600" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ). Would an update immediately apply to and have effect on both operating systems, or do they apply only to the operating system used to download them.
Q. 4 Any general comments or Warnings..
Has anyone got any general comments on, or warnings about any problems they know about, when having two Operating Systems on one computer.