Distribution List / New ISP / Outlook 2003

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Distribution List / New ISP / Outlook 2003

Post by johbot »

I have a distribution list with nearly 300 names on it that I use regularly for our jogging group and was able to send emails to all in one go. Until recently, that is.

I've changed ISP and now I can't send any of them. BUT, I don't believe in coincidences so I don't think the problem is with the ISP. To check that, I rang them and asked what their limit is for maximum number of recipients and they said they don't have one.

When I try to send the bulk email, I get an immediate 554 error but no indication of where that error originated so I am assuming that it has come from Outlook. Why did I assume that? If the error came from the sending ISP it would have routing information on it, as it would if it came from the receiving ISP.

I run multiple email addresses from a range of domain names. From a different PC (with Outlook 2007), but on my home network and via the same ISP, I can send the bulk email via a different email address and domain. So that points, again, to Outlook.

I don't want to send it from the different machine, nor from a different email address, I want to use the club's machine to do club business with the club email address.

Any ideas?

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Re: Distribution List / New ISP / Outllok 2003

Post by Claude »

Does your clubs hosting company allow the configuration of a forwarding alias group?

I handle problems like this by assigning an alias, for example: everyone@xyz.com which then forwards (by the server, not the ISP ) the emails to everyone I have added to that forwarding alias. The benefit in doing it this way is that, if for example I include a 5 Mb file to 20 people, my ISP bandwith only amounts to 5 Mb rather than 100.

A 554 error by the way indicates that the recipients ISP bounced it, not the sending (i.e. yours) ISP. I assume you BCC those 300 names, but you should still be able to tell which recipient was bouncing from the error email header.
Cheers, Claude.

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Re: Distribution List / New ISP / Outlook 2003

Post by johbot »

Thank you for the responses.

Claude, I am the domain holder for the club so have access to the cPanel interface. Is that where I would create that alias?

JoeP, I am not using Microsoft Exchange, but are you suggesting that I have reached the limit of contacts anyway?


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Re: Distribution List / New ISP / Outlook 2003

Post by JoeP »

Yes. Note the first paragraph in the "Cause" section that says this applies to .pst files too.


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Re: Distribution List / New ISP / Outlook 2003

Post by johbot »

Thanks Joe,

We tried that, we whittled the list down into chunks of 20 and still no lovin'. I think I'm going to have to research Claude's idea.
