Making text appear when holding cursor over certain text

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Joined: 28 Mar 2010, 01:49

Making text appear when holding cursor over certain text

Post by jmt356 »

I know I asked this before, but I don't even know what terms to search under for the thread. I am looking for a way to make text appear when holding my mouse over certain items. For example, if held over a Footnote Reference number, a yellow box should appear revealing the text referenced in the footnote; if held over part of text in the Document Map, a yellow box should appear revealing the rest of the line hidden behind the border of the document map. I think they may be "fields" or something similar, but I can't figure out how to activate them in Tools | Options.


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Re: Making text appear when holding cursor over certain text

Post by HansV »

See the thread Footnote references.
Best wishes,

Posts: 2407
Joined: 28 Mar 2010, 01:49

Re: Making text appear when holding cursor over certain text

Post by jmt356 »

That's it! And I remember Leif answering that question. I just have to remember that we call those windows that appear when holding the mouse over certain items "Screen Tips" so I remember what to search under next time!