Ccleaner hacked - be aware

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Ccleaner hacked - be aware

Post by JoeP »

See this thread at AskWoody - If you are a customer of Ccleaner.

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Re: Ccleaner hacked - be aware

Post by HansV »

Thanks, Joe!
Best wishes,

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Re: Ccleaner hacked - be aware

Post by RonH »

Does this mean 'don't use just now?'
CYa Ron
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Re: Ccleaner hacked - be aware

Post by StuartR »

This does not affect people who use the free version of ccleaner. It is the company that has been hacked, not the product. They have gained access to names and contact details of customers.

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Re: Ccleaner hacked - be aware

Post by DocAElstein »

I think the place, or its server, got hacked once before a while ago, - I think in version 5.33 from around 2017. That time downloading from the official site got you a Trojan thing. That article Joe gave ( edit: like wot Stuart said ), suggests that contact information might have been got to help phishing people. (Phishing has been getting very bad here in recent months)

( ( It seemed to me that CCleaner was getting less good reviews in recent years, so I went over to Bleach Bit a few years ago. That seems a good alternative, but you have to be a lot more careful the first time using it with the options you check or uncheck, as it is can be bit more aggressive, I think. It consistantly seems to "clean" more away than CCleaner did for me...)
(Edit 2: The more recent versions of Bleach Bit are a little less dangerous: If you check something to get rid of that could do damage, then a pop up tells you something about it, so as to warn you about, and ask for confirmation, as to whether or not you really want to do that option) )
Regards , Ālan , DocÆlstein :england: , :germany: