Delete and Replace files in System32 Folders

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Delete and Replace files in System32 Folders

Post by Doc.AElstein »

I want to delete and replace a file in my System32 Folders. I want to start doing some experiments in a few days with things like that…

I will start on some older less important XP machines, so as to minimise the damage should something go wrong.

I did already try simply locating the file and deleting it. It appeared to work, - it disappeared from the explorer list. …but
_a) although I could no longer see it, if I tried to replace it I got an error telling me it was already there
_b) on restarting the computer it came back in the explorer list

I googled a bit , and sure enough, it is apparently not straight forward to delete such files.
But it’s also not too difficult either, apparently

The method below is what I was thinking of trying next.
Apparently I need just to do these two commands
cd C:\Windows\System32\
del winhlp32.exe

I can either do those commands
_ in that big black cmd window thing, ( which I already know how to get up),
_ I can put those two lines in a text file, save that text file with a .bat extension, then double click on it

I am not in any rush to do this , so I thought I would leave it for a few days, and make this thread and see if anyone has any comments before I go ahead . I don’t need any urgent help. I will pick up this little experiment first in a few days time.
Just any comments would be welcome , such as how bad an idea you think it is, or any alternative ways you know of to do this


Out of interest this is why I am thinking of doing it
In this thread , ... 17#p281561 , the problem was Solved of a winhlp32.exe that will run on any computer and open my .hlp files
_ On all computers , all Operating systems it works like this:
Put that file , anywhere , double click on it, then you navigate to find the .hlp file you want, then away you go
_ Currently on just an XP machine I have another second way: I simply double click on the .hlp file, and it opens.
I am taking a guess that it works this way because it goes and finds that winhlp32.exe
So I would like to do some experiments with deleting and/ or pasting in that winhlp32.exe in places such as the system32 folder, or similar places where it is probably dangerous to do that sort of thing :evilgrin: ...

This second way already works that way on my XP machine. But you know as the old saying goes …. If it aint broken , then Alan will probably brake it in his attempts to figure out what’s going on… “ – I figure out if I can brake and then repair it working on my XP machine then that might help me in my attempts to get this second way working on my other computers.
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Re: Delete and Replace files in System32 Folders

Post by HansV »

Make sure that you only use this for files that you added yourself. It is very dangerous to try and delete other files from the Windows\System32 folder; you may damage Windows itself!

Before doing this, I'd try to associate the .hlp extension with winhlp32.exe.
For example:
- Right-click a .hlp file.
- Select Open With... from the context menu.
- If you see winhlp32.exe, select it and tick the check box 'Always use this app to open .hlp files'. then click OK.
- If not, click 'More apps', then scroll down and select 'Look for another app on this PC'.
- Browse to C:\Windows\System32, locate and select winhlp32, then click OK.
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Re: Delete and Replace files in System32 Folders

Post by stuck »

Also, consider searching the XP board on the MSFN fourm:
You might find help /advice there.

:whisper: MSFN even has an active board for Win 9x stuff

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Re: Delete and Replace files in System32 Folders

Post by hamster »

Also you can use this
for Win7 and Vista
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Re: Delete and Replace files in System32 Folders

Post by HansV »

Uh... unassoc.exe can be used to REMOVE a file association. How would that help to open .hlp files in winhlp32.exe automatically?
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Re: Delete and Replace files in System32 Folders

Post by Doc.AElstein »

Hi Hans,
I might be able to answer that, but I am not sure yet…
Firstly, your basic idea, which I think is a sort of “associate” suggestion thing , looks like the better way for me to go on with this to open .hlp files in winhlp32.exe automatically.

I am still looking into this on some of my older and newer computers. Mostly it works, but sometimes the basic way you suggest has not worked, .. initially.
However if I remove the association to some “stub” thing, ( a stub thing is, I think, a sort of “Microsoft help that isn’t any help” thing), then so far that sorts the thing out. I am not sure yet. I want to check it out on a few newer computers and operating systems.
It gets a bit more complicated with the newer operating system since they are “supported”, getting updates , and so are therefore unstable, and a solution that worked today might not work tomorrow..
I will post back with a full summary in a day or so..

I think possibly you may need to disassociate sometimes, before you can successfully associate.. maybe ..
It is not consistent with different Operating systems, so it’s taking me a while to check it all out thoroughly..
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