Average values in Word table

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Average values in Word table

Post by MelanieB »

We have a form. The bottom of the form is a table (named ScoreTable) with 60 cells.
At the top of the form, not part of the table, we want to show an average of values in the ScoreTable.

How can we tell Word to ignore blanks and only average actual values?

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Re: Average values in Word table

Post by HansV »

Would it be feasible to replace the Word table with an Excel table? Excel formulas are much easier.
Best wishes,

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Re: Average values in Word table

Post by macropod »

Although Word has an Average(BELOW) function that skips blanks, it also stops at the first blank...

Instead, you could use a formula field coded along the lines of:
{={=SUM(A2:A60)}/{=COUNT(A2:A60)} \# 0.00}
Cells containing text (no numbers) or blanks, as opposed to 0s will be ignored.
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]