Taxonomic Codes

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Taxonomic Codes

Post by Jezza »

Sorry, I know this is light relief but I cannot think of an area that this may go, please feel free to move it to a relevant area

As some of you may know I am responsible for a web-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for my company which is used for ordering Service Requests, each of these service requests has a document "attached" to it which contains FAQs, Procedural Maps and information about the item. The trouble is that the agent can now be swamped with information that is both wordy. I was asked to design an application extension that allows the agent to be presented with a new screen where there will be a list containing a Process Document, a web link to a product description and a number of links that will be "associated" products.

I have built this app. extension to read an XML file and am thinking I can use a 6 digit code that simulates a taxonomic like so:

Department Code | Document Type | Doc Ref 1 | Doc Ref 2 | Doc Ref 3 | Doc Ref 4

Department Code: A,B,C,D,E
Document Type: Web(W), DMS(D),Procedure(P), Process(Q)
Doc Ref X: Numerical value

So if Department A had a web-based document ref 1234 the code would read AW1234

This will now allow me to search for all documents owned by Dept. A or all web based documents or are owned by a specific department

I have used a similar methodology in the past for a company structure chart but was wondering if there are other taxonomic coding ideas that I can use in a string value for storage in an XML file.
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Re: Taxonomic Codes

Post by StuartR »


Not an answer to your question, but a suggestion to help you search. When I was doing something quite similar a couple of years ago, I discovered that my colleagues in the USA used the term "ontology" to refer to what I would call a "taxonomy".

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Re: Taxonomic Codes

Post by Jezza »

Thanks Stuart, that is useful as I am working with an American based system so they may have a knowledge base
I’ll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there’s evidence of any thinking going on inside it