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Post by sal21 »


Code: Select all

Private miSelStart As Integer

Private Sub CCOMRIL_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    If KeyCode = 46 Then KeyCode = 0    'Disable the delete key

    miSelStart = Me.CCOMRIL.SelStart
End Sub
Private Sub CCOMRIL_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

    Dim lCnt As Long    'Generic long counter
    Dim lMax As Long
    Dim sComboItem As String
    Dim sComboText As String    'Text currently in combobox
    Dim sText As String    'Text after keypressed

    With CCOMRIL
        lMax = .ListCount - 1
        sComboText = .Text
        sText = Left(sComboText, miSelStart) & Chr(KeyAscii)

        KeyAscii = 0    'Reset key pressed

        For lCnt = 0 To lMax
            sComboItem = .List(lCnt)

            If UCase(sText) = UCase(Left(sComboItem, _
                                         Len(sText))) Then
                .ListIndex = lCnt
                .Text = sComboItem
                .SelStart = Len(sText)
                .SelLength = Len(sComboItem) - (Len(sText))

                Exit For
            End If
        Next    'lCnt
    End With

End Sub
The code find value in first chr in list of combobox.

i need to use a find string in a part of listitem, in my case from string between - and -

my list:
401001001 - AGLIE' - TO
401001002 - AIRASCA - TO
401001012 - ARIGNANO - TO