Run time 3061 too few parameters.

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Run time 3061 too few parameters.

Post by Steve_in_Kent »

I have a query... SQL here

SELECT Data.MyDate, Data.Area, Data.Category, Data.Corrective, Data.Status, Data.Respon_P
WHERE (((Data.Status)="Open" Or (Data.Status)="Review") AND ((Data.Respon_P)=[Forms]![Main_Menu]![Combo46]));

and code, that loops through the table, to create HTML..

however, it is erroring out on trying to set the recordsource to this query.

Run-Time error 3061, too few parameters.

With combo36 populated, if i then manually run the query it works perfectly.
It errors out on this line

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("My_Actions_Query2")

Code: Select all

Private Sub Command48_Click()
'Make sure someone is selected
If IsNull(Me.Combo46) Then
    MsgBox "You Must Select Someone !", vbExclamation
    GoTo EndyBit
End If

Call ClearThem

Dim MyPerson As Integer
Dim HisEmail As String

MyPerson = Me.Combo46
HisEmail = DLookup("Email", "Responsibility", "ID=" & MyPerson)

' MyPerson is the ID of the person in the responsibilities field

Dim bStarted As Boolean
Dim oOutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oItem As Outlook.MailItem

'On Error Resume Next

Dim f As Long, c As Long
Dim sTable As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olRecip As Recipient
Dim Recipients As Recipients

Dim qField(1 To 6) 'array

''Table Header
qField(1) = "MyDate"
qField(2) = "Area"
qField(3) = "Category"
qField(4) = "Corrective"
qField(5) = "Status"
qField(6) = "Respon_P"

sTable = "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 style='padding:0in 5.5pt 0in 5.5pt'><tbody>"
sTable = sTable & "<tr bgcolor=""#70ad47""><font color=""Black""><b><td>Date</td>"
sTable = sTable & "<td>Area</td>"
sTable = sTable & "<td>Category</td>"
sTable = sTable & "<td>Corrective</td>"
sTable = sTable & "<td>Status</td>"
sTable = sTable & "<td>Issue</td></b></font></tr>"

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("My_Actions_Query2")
Do Until rs.EOF
    c = c + 1   'counter for the every other row light green
    If c Mod 2 = 0 Then   'every other row light green
        sTable = sTable & "<tr style=""background: #e2efd9"">"
        sTable = sTable & "<tr>"   'open row
    End If

    For f = 1 To 6       'cells
        sTable = sTable & "<td>" & rs.Fields(qField(f)) & "</td>"
    sTable = sTable & "</tr>"   'close row
sTable = sTable & "</tbody></table>"   'close table
Set rs = Nothing

''Compose Email
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olMsg = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
olMsg.To = HisEmail
For Each olRecip In olMsg.Recipients
olMsg.Subject = "Open GMP Actions " & Format(Date, "Medium Date")

If Forms!Main_Menu.Check55 = True Then
    olMsg.Display   'This must go before the .HTMLBody line b/c that is the only way to capture the existing default signature.
End If

olMsg.HTMLBody = "<Body><div>Hello,<br>" & _
  "Please see Current list of actions in your name below.<br><br>" & sTable & olMsg.HTMLBody

If Forms!Main_Menu.Check55 = False Then
End If


End Sub
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Re: Run time 3061 too few parameters.

Post by HansV »

DAO operates at the data level; it doesn't "know" about forms and controls in the Access interface, so it doesn't recognize [Forms]![Main_Menu]![Combo46]. You can get around this by assembling the SQL in the code. Replace the offending line with

Code: Select all

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT Data.MyDate, Data.Area, Data.Category, Data.Corrective, Data.Status, Data.Respon_P " & _
"FROM Data WHERE (Data.Status='Open' Or Data.Status='Review') AND Data.Respon_P=" & _
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
This assumes that Data.Respon_P is a number field.
If it is a text field, enclose the reference to the control in single quotes:

Code: Select all

strSQL = "SELECT Data.MyDate, Data.Area, Data.Category, Data.Corrective, Data.Status, Data.Respon_P " & _
"FROM Data WHERE (Data.Status='Open' Or Data.Status='Review') AND Data.Respon_P='" & _
[Forms]![Main_Menu]![Combo46] & "'"
If it is a date field, format the value of the control as yyyy-mm-dd and enclose it in #:

Code: Select all

strSQL = "SELECT Data.MyDate, Data.Area, Data.Category, Data.Corrective, Data.Status, Data.Respon_P " & _
"FROM Data WHERE (Data.Status='Open' Or Data.Status='Review') AND Data.Respon_P=#" & _
Format([Forms]![Main_Menu]![Combo46], "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#"
Best wishes,

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Re: Run time 3061 too few parameters.

Post by Steve_in_Kent »

Thanks Hans.. nailed it, as ever. !
Owing at LEAST 34 beers to other helpful forum members. Especially HansV!