Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

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Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by ChrisGreaves »

It bugs the heck out of me that there's no easy way to determine if the Selection point is within a field.
I think.
The attached document holds some fairly simple field codes; at the foot of the document are some insane nested field codes.

I developed the macro "TestBothwards" from two simpler macros "TestLeftwards" and "TestRightwards".
My theory is that I can detect that I am, or am not, in a field by a series of ever-expanding circles (so to speak), and you can see me working my way leftwards only (back to the start of the document) in "TestLeftwards", and you can see me working my way rightwards only (on to the end of the document) in "TestRightwards".

The final version, "TestBothwards" is merely the merging of the inner-loop code of the two smaller macros.

I think my logic is correct.
I make no claim to execution speed.
I have previously tested for being within a field code by iterating through all fields in a document, testing each field's range to see if it embraced any part of the selection.

I haven't compared that method to this.
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Re: Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by HansV »

If I position the insertion point within the field(s) at the end of the document and run any of the three macros, I get
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Re: Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by macropod »

How about something based on:

Code: Select all

Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Fld As Field, Rng As Range, FldRng As Range, i As Long
With Selection
  If .Fields.Count > 0 Then
    MsgBox "The selection includes " & .Fields.Count & " field(s)."
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Set Rng = .Paragraphs.First.Range
  Rng.End = .Paragraphs.Last.Range.End
  For Each Fld In Rng.Fields
    Set FldRng = Fld.Result
    FldRng.Start = FldRng.Start - 1
    FldRng.End = FldRng.End + 1
    If FldRng.Start <= .Start Then
      If FldRng.End >= .Start Then
        i = i + 1
      End If
    ElseIf FldRng.End >= .End Then
      If FldRng.Start <= .End Then
        i = i + 1
      End If
    ElseIf FldRng.Start >= .Start Then
      If FldRng.End <= .End Then
        i = i + 1
      End If
    End If
End With
MsgBox "The selection includes " & i & " field(s)."
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Paul Edstein
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Re: Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by ChrisGreaves »

HansV wrote:If I position the insertion point within the field(s) at the end of the document and run any of the three macros, I get
Sorry about that.
Field Codes must be visible! (My normal mode of operation)
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Re: Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by ChrisGreaves »

macropod wrote:How about something based on:
Thanks macropod.
I'll have to investigate this.
If my selection point is within an {XE} I get an error trying to access the fld.result. I think Hans's comment is relevant, that {XE} are different from other {}.
I suspect that an {XE} doesn't deliver a result.

If I place my text cursor within a nested {SEQ} I am told zero fields, which, annoyingly, is True.
In the attached image there are no fields within the selection; the selection is within a field.
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Re: Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by Don Wells »

Hi Chris
    Please take a look at the following code.

Code: Select all

Option Explicit

Sub SelInField()

Dim lngCurr As Long
Dim lngSt As Long
Dim lngEnd As Long
Dim lngSel As Long
Dim ctr As Long
Dim msg As String

  lngSt = Selection.Start
  lngEnd = Selection.End
  lngSel = lngSt
  If lngSt = lngEnd Then
    msg = "start and end of the selection are"
  ElseIf lngSel = lngSt Then
    msg = "start of the selection is"
    msg = "end of the selection is"
  End If
  With ActiveDocument
    For ctr = 1 To .Fields.Count
      If Selection.End > lngSel Then
        If Selection.Start <= lngSel Then
          msg = "The " & msg & " within a field."
          Exit For
          msg = "The " & msg & " not within a field."
          Exit For
        End If
      End If
    Next ctr
    .Range(lngSt, lngEnd).Select
    If .Fields.Count < ctr Then
      msg = "The " & msg & " not within a field."
    End If
  End With
  MsgBox msg
End Sub

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Re: Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Don Wells wrote:Please take a look at the following code.
Hi Don, Thanks for this. This works (and I like your neat touch that satisfies my grammatical pedantry!).

I think this is akin to the method we (members) explored at another time in another place:
ChrisGreaves wrote:I have previously tested for being within a field code by iterating through all fields in a document,
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Re: Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by Don Wells »

ChrisGreaves wrote:I have previously tested for being within a field code by iterating through all fields in a document,
Oops! re-inventing the wheel again.

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Re: Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by Don Wells »

My previous sumission was based on the principle that "One should never write a single line of code where the task casn be achieved with three or four." The following is based on KISS and should be fairly swift.
Note: The code has been revised through the addition of: Line 30; comments; and Line numbers.
Another Note: This code will not detect inclusion in an XE field. :blush: I should have paid more attention to Hans' post.

Code: Select all

Option Explicit

' Procedure : SelInField
' Author    : Wells
' Date      : 5/29/2011
' Purpose   : Determines whether or not the insertion point is within a field
' Approach  : This procedure is based on the observation that irrespective of _
              a field's ShowCodes state; when the field's ShowCodes state is _
              toggled twice, if the insertion point (start of the selection), _
              is within the field, the selection will be collapsed and the _
              insertion point will move to the start of the field.
Sub SelInField()
      Dim lngPosStart As Long
      Dim lngPosEnd As Long
      Dim msg As String

        'Determine the location of the current selection
10      lngPosStart = Selection.Start
20      lngPosEnd = Selection.End
30      Selection.Collapse ' This line is necessary in the event that the _
                             selection starts one character before the field _
                             and ends at the end of the field
        ' Toggle ShowCodes twice. If insertion point within _
          field it will be moved tio the beginning of the field.
40      Selection.Fields.ToggleShowCodes
50      Selection.Fields.ToggleShowCodes
60      If Selection.Start = lngPosStart Then
70        Selection.MoveRight ' And try again in case the insertion point _
                                was already at the start of the field
80        Selection.Fields.ToggleShowCodes
90        Selection.Fields.ToggleShowCodes
100       If Selection.Start = lngPosStart + 1 Then
110         msg = "The start of the selection is NOT within a field."
120       Else
130         msg = "The start of the selection IS within a field."
140       End If
150     Else
160       msg = "The start of the selection IS within a field."
170     End If
180     ActiveDocument.Range(lngPosStart, lngPosEnd).Select
190     MsgBox msg
End Sub


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Re: Is my selection point within a field code? (Word 2003)

Post by Don Wells »

I believe that I have solved it. Chris et. al. if you would be so kind as to test the following code, it would be appreciated.
  • For a Standard Field the cursor is in the field if it is immediately _
    before the opening curly bracket, through immediately before the _
    closing curly bracket.
  • For an XE Field the cursor is in the field if it is immediately _
    after the opening curly bracket, through immediately after the _
    closing curly bracket.
  • That seems to be the manner in which Word interprets life. If we require the determination to be 'Only within the curly brackets', it is achievable with a litle more work.

Code: Select all

Dim lngPosStart As Long
Dim lngPosEnd As Long
Dim msg As String
Option Explicit

' Procedure : SelInField
' Author    : Wells
' Date      : 5/29/2011
' Purpose   : Determines whether or not the insertion point is within a field
' Approach  : This procedure is based on the observation that irrespective of _
              a non-XE field's ShowCodes state; when the field's ShowCodes state _
              is toggled twice, if the insertion point (start of the selection), _
              is within the field, the selection will be collapsed and the _
              insertion point will move to the start of the field.
' Notes:  1 For a Standard Field the cursor is in the field if it is immediately _
            before the opening curly bracket, through immediately before the _
            closing curly bracket.
'         2 For an XE Field the cursor is in the field if it is immediately _
            after the opening curly bracket, through immediately after the _
            closing curly bracket.
Sub SelInField()
Attribute SelInField.VB_Description = "Macro recorded 5/28/2011 by W.D Wells"
Attribute SelInField.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "Project.NewMacros.Macro1"
      Dim InField As Boolean

        'Determine the location of the current selection
10      lngPosStart = Selection.Start
20      lngPosEnd = Selection.End
30      Selection.Collapse ' This line is necessary in the event that the _
                             selection starts one character before the field _
                             and ends at the end of the field
        ' Toggle ShowCodes twice. If insertion point within _
          field it will be moved tio the beginning of the field.
40      Selection.Fields.ToggleShowCodes
50      Selection.Fields.ToggleShowCodes
60      If Selection.Start = lngPosStart Then
70        Selection.MoveRight ' And try again in case the insertion point _
                                was already at the start of the field
80        Selection.Fields.ToggleShowCodes
90        Selection.Fields.ToggleShowCodes
100       If Selection.Start = lngPosStart + 1 Then
110         msg = "The start of the selection is NOT within a field."
120       Else
130         msg = "The start of the selection IS within a field."
140         InField = True
150       End If
160     Else
170       msg = "The start of the selection IS within a field."
180       InField = True
190     End If

200     If Not InField Then
210       Call SelIn_XE_Field
220     End If
230     ActiveDocument.Range(lngPosStart, lngPosEnd).Select
240       MsgBox msg
End Sub

' Procedure : SelIn_XE_Field
' Author    : Wells
' Date      : 5/29/2011
' Purpose   : This procedure is based on the observation that an XE field _
              is hidden or exposed by the ShowAll setting of the active pane.
' Notes:  1 For a Standard Field the cursor is in the field if it is immediately _
            before the opening curly bracket, through immediately before the _
            closing curly bracket.
'         2 For an XE Field the cursor is in the field if it is immediately _
            after the opening curly bracket, through immediately after the _
            closing curly bracket.
Public Sub SelIn_XE_Field(Optional Abort As Boolean)
      Dim InitState As Boolean

10      InitState = ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll
20      ActiveDocument.Range(lngPosStart, lngPosStart).Select

        ' Turn ShowAll off
30      If InitState Then ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = False
40      Selection.MoveRight wdCharacter, 1, wdExtend
50      ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = True
        ' If the selection now envelops the field,the initial start of the selection _
          point may have been within an XE field.
60      If Selection.Characters.Count > 2 Then
70        ActiveDocument.Range(lngPosStart, lngPosStart).Select
80        ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = False
90        Selection.MoveLeft wdCharacter, 1, wdExtend
100       ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = True

        ' If the start of the initial selection point was within an XE field, the selection _
          now envelops the field.
110       If Selection.Characters.Count > 2 Then
120         msg = "The start of the selection IS within a field."
130       End If
140     End If
150     ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = InitState
End Sub