Word 2007 - what is the maximum characters in fieldcode

Posts: 279
Joined: 01 Jun 2010, 00:27

Word 2007 - what is the maximum characters in fieldcode

Post by diana »

What is a fields maximum character length?

our users are very descriptive with the doc names.

The users are typing in doc names, however the result is the names are being truncated.

I'm trying to determine if its Word limitation.

The fieldcode Document Information, Filename, using the switch /p for full file name:


example of a doc name is:

"TEST letter to accountant retirement and appointment of trustee and deed of variation [Name of Fund] change of trustee and upgrade of trust deed"

which is a total of 144 characters.

if the full path is used, the field code displayed is:

C:\Documents and Settings\99575\Application Data\Hummingbird\DM\Temp\CORRSDMS-#5771416-v1-TEST_letter_to_accountant_retirement_and_appointment_of_trustee_and_deed_of_variation__Name_of_Fund__change_of_trustee_and_upg.DOC

this is a total of 220 characters.

the ".DOC" is 4 characters which make up the maximum 224 character length

many thanks


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Re: Word 2007 - what is the maximum characters in fieldcode

Post by HansV »

It looks lile you have found out yourself - 224 characters. Not using excessively long filenames is the only workaround (I assume not using the document management system is not feasible)
Best wishes,

Posts: 279
Joined: 01 Jun 2010, 00:27

Re: Word 2007 - what is the maximum characters in fieldcode

Post by diana »

thanks again Hans
