VBA 64 bit - EXIF DateTimeOriginal

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VBA 64 bit - EXIF DateTimeOriginal

Post by ErikJan »

This is a repeat (with a tweak) of a question I asked some time back...

I'm looking for code (64bit) to extract the EXIF DateTimeOriginal (and CreateDate) tags from TIF and JPG files.

As I need to process thousands of files (in many subfolders), I'd like to avoid using EXIFTOOL (unless I can make one call and pipe that to a TXT-file that I can pick up and process).

Any thoughts, suggestions or code snippets would be very much appreciated.

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Re: VBA 64 bit - EXIF DateTimeOriginal

Post by SpeakEasy »

You might want to look at the ExtendedProperty example at the end of https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php ... 30&t=40533

and try

Debug.Print "Taken: " & .ExtendedProperty("System.Photo.DateTaken")

As I presume you are aware, not all TIF or jpg files bother filling in the EXIF data

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Re: VBA 64 bit - EXIF DateTimeOriginal

Post by ErikJan »

Oh yes... I adjusted the code to fit mine and it works. Then I checked if this field matches what I'm looking for (the date field in LightRoom) and it looks like it does. So happy :-). Thanks!!