Time-stamping paragraphs of transcripts, speeches, lectures

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Time-stamping paragraphs of transcripts, speeches, lectures

Post by ChrisGreaves »

I wrote this so that I could place an hh:mm:ss time stamp at the head of each paragraph in a transcript, speech, or in lecture material.
It has worked this morning.
I contemplated generalizing it (choice of brackets, format of time stamp etc), but couldn't be bothered.

Code: Select all

Function TimeStampParagraph(rng As Range)
    Static dtStopWatch As Date
    If rng.Start = 0 Then ' we are at the head of the document; reset the stopwatch
        dtStopWatch = Now()
    End If
    Dim strTimeStamp As String
    strTimeStamp = Format((Now() - dtStopWatch), "(hh:mm:ss)")
    Dim strTestLeft As String
    strTestLeft = Left(Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Text, 10)
    While strTestLeft Like "[(]##:##:##[)]"
        Dim strSPRT As String
        strSPRT = Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Text
        strSPRT = Right(strSPRT, Len(strSPRT) - Len(strTestLeft))
        strTestLeft = Left(strSPRT, 10)
    Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Text = strTimeStamp & strSPRT
    Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1
'Sub TESTTimeStampParagraph()
'    ' I find this useful when it is assigned to a shortcut key, such as Ctrl-Shift-K.
'    ' Use Ctrl-Home to place the text cursor at the head of the transcript document; this causes the procedure to reset the stop-watch.
'    ' Start playing back your MP3 track in WinAmp, or start reading your upcoming speech or training material aloud.
'    ' Each time WinAmp reaches a new paragraph, run the macro (Ctrl-Shift-K) to time-stamp that paragraph.
'    '
'    Call TimeStampParagraph(Selection.Range)
'End Sub
End Function
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