customising the QAT in Office 2007

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Panoramic Lounger
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customising the QAT in Office 2007

Post by stuck »

I wonder...

...if there is a way of 'exporting' customised QATs from Word 2007, XL 2007, etc. on one PC to another PC, to save you the hassle of doing it all manually each time. For example if the QAT settings are stored up in the registry could the relevant key(s) be exported and then imported to a different machine?

NB I've not Googled this one yet.


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Re: customising the QAT in Office 2007

Post by stuck »

Google turns up several helpful hits showing the QATs are stored in a helpfully named .qat files in a users profile. I've not tried copying such files between PCs yet but I suspect doing that will answer my question.


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Re: customising the QAT in Office 2007

Post by HansV »

Yep, the customizations are stored in files named Word.qat, Excel.qat etc. They are located in:

C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Office (Windows XP)
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office (Windows Vista/7)

The Application Data/AppData folder is hidden, so make sure that hidden files and folders are displayed.
Best wishes,

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Re: customising the QAT in Office 2007

Post by stuck »

:yep: again, I've just moved my Word QAT to another PC by copying the file over.

I've also made my Excel QAT the same as my Word one by replacing my Excel file with a renamed copy of my Word one.

NB I only did this because I knew the customisations I'd made to to my Word QAT did not include any Word specific commands, which would almost certainly make Excel choke had they been present :grin:
