program a button that can be clicked one time?

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program a button that can be clicked one time?

Post by siamandm »

Hello All,

i want to program a button , this button can be pressed one time and add ( save records to a table ).
this will be used for distribution items to make sure duplicates not happens


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Re: program a button that can be clicked one time?

Post by HansV »

Set the Visible property of the command button to No.

Create a table tblSettings with a single field ButtonVisible of type Yes/No.
Save the table, then open it and tick the check box, then close the table.

Create an On Load event procedure for the form:

Code: Select all

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Me.cmdAdd.Visible = DLookup("ButtonVisible", "tblSettings")
End Sub
where cmdAdd is the name of the button.

In the On Click event of cmdAdd:

Code: Select all

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    ' Your code to add records goes here
    ' ...
    ' Set the ButtonVisible field in tblSettings to False for next time
    CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblSettings SET ButtonVisible = False", dbFailOnError
    ' Set focus to another control
    ' Hide the command button
    Me.cmdAdd.Visible = False
End Sub
Initially, the On Load event procedure of the form will make the button visible, since the value of ButtonVisible is true. But once the button has been clicked, it will be hidden.
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Re: program a button that can be clicked one time?

Post by siamandm »

that's working fine, but I wanted to make it more complicated.

i have a tblDist_items with one to many relationships with tblBenefciareis , so what i did instead of creating a single table I added a new field to the tblDist_items
and now i want this button enabled or visible for those row which is status is assessed or not received,

so based on the row the status of the button will be changed ... my be im doing this in the wrong way if you suggest another way will be great....
in summery the button Change status will have three function
1- inject date to Recived date
2- change the status of the status combo box to received
3- disabled itself for received items...
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Re: program a button that can be clicked one time?

Post by HansV »

You don't need to enable/disable the button, since it applies to multiple records in the subform. You specify a from date and to date, and the code will change the status for ALL records whose AssessedDate falls within the date range.
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Re: program a button that can be clicked one time?

Post by siamandm »

thank you for the reply
actually, I need the enable/disable functionality, in order to enable the user not able to click the button if the item already received.
i got another idea , if i create a nother form that filter data acording the date from and date to , and put the button chage status on this form ... it should change the enable property to false only to filtered rows ... does this a good way or tehre is a better way?


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Re: program a button that can be clicked one time?

Post by HansV »

Again, there is NO need to enable/disable the button, or to filter the form.

Change the line that specifies the SQL to

Code: Select all

    strSQL = "UPDATE tblDist_items SET DateReceived=#" & Format(Me.txtNewDate, "yyyy/mm/dd") & "#, Status=" & lngStatus & _
        " WHERE BenefID_FK=" & Me.BenefID & " AND AssessedDate Between #" & _
        Format(Me.txtDateFrom, "yyyy/mm/dd") & "# And #" & Format(Me.txtDateTo, "yyyy/mm/dd") & "# AND Status=1"
With the addition "... AND Status=1", the code will only be applied to records whose status is Assessed.
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Re: program a button that can be clicked one time?

Post by siamandm »

thanks, Hans, I know its apply to the fields where the status is 1, but let me explain what is in my head maybe you will come back with another idea ...
when someone is asking for items .. we find him and apply the change of the status ... if the same person comes back again and ask for his item ... we woud like to have a fast indication that he already received his items... it sound silly because i know the status has been changed to receive but when you are in crowd and surrounded by hundreds of people you need a fast way to find out, if you think this is enough then that is it..

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Re: program a button that can be clicked one time?

Post by HansV »

I think this is not necessary. If you feel it is, you'll have to work out the code for yourself.
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Re: program a button that can be clicked one time?

Post by siamandm »

Thank you Hans for your quick prompt...
so i will leave it as it

thanks again , you helped me a lot