Change Defaults

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Change Defaults

Post by ErikJan »

This is soo simple that I'm ashamed... anyway...

In Excel 2003 (and 2007/2010 for that matter) how to I change e.g. the default font, the default cell formating? I can change it in the sheet-style, but that doesn't stick.
I know there's all these "Personal.xls" files in various places, but I'm not using these. Just need to change the standard settings (or is Personal.xls the way?)

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Re: Change Defaults

Post by HansV »

- Create a workbook with the settings that you want (number of worksheets, page setup, styles etc.)
- Save it as an Excel template named Book.xlt for Excel 2003 and before, and Book.xltx (or Book.xltm if it contains macros) for Excel 2007 and later, in your Excel startup folder (by default C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART in Windows 2000/XP, or C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART in Windows Vista/7).
- The name Book is obligatory, but it is language-dependent - for example, in the Dutch version of Excel, it should be Map instead of Book.
- The default template Book.xlt(x) will be used when you create a blank new workbook.
- Also create a version with just one worksheet.
- Save it as an Excel template named Sheet.xlt for Excel 2003 and before, and Sheet.xltx (or Sheet.xltm) for Excel 2007 and later, in your Excel startup folder.
- The name Sheet is obligatory, and again it's language-dependent ("Blad" in the Dutch version).
- The default template Sheet.xlt(x) will be used when you insert a blank new sheet into a workbook.
Best wishes,