From Column in Yahoo mail is blank

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From Column in Yahoo mail is blank

Post by CharliesDaughter »

I am using IE 9 and when I am away from home I access my messages in yahoo mail. Suddenly yesterday everying in the From column has disappeared so I can't tell without opening an e-mail, who it is from. The information is there, and if I click on the subject of the message, it displays everything, including the Sender Name (From) in the preview pane. However, I am used to scrolling the list and deleting the junk and I can't figure out how I lost that or how to get it back.

I spent an hour on the phone with AT&T and they now say it's an IE issued because we were able to download Chrome and the site works properly, displaying all the correct information. However, something got changed or deleted in IE in the past two days because before that it was fine.

I've attached a screen print for reference.

Can anyone help?


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Re: From Column in Yahoo mail is blank

Post by HansV »

Have you tried turning on Compatibility View for the site?
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Re: From Column in Yahoo mail is blank

Post by CharliesDaughter »

Actually I thought of that last night but got caught up in working with the AT&T tech to try to solve the problem, and then forgot. So, after seeing your message, I tried it and Compatability is greyed out underthe Tools menu in IE and I can't find a way to get it back on.


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Re: From Column in Yahoo mail is blank

Post by HansV »

Select Tools | Compatibility View Settings...
The URL of the current web page will automatically be entered in the box, so if you were at, you don't have to change the URL. Otherwise, enter in the box.
Then click Add, and finally click Close.
You can use the same menu option to remove if this doesn't work.
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Re: From Column in Yahoo mail is blank

Post by CharliesDaughter »

That also doesn't work.

Funny thing is, if I sign in to yahoo mail with another account on this same computer, everything is fine. I tried doing this with my boss' e-mail account as I regularly pick up messages for the office at night and over the weekend. As I said it's fine, but if I sign on for myself, I have this same problem.


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Re: From Column in Yahoo mail is blank

Post by HansV »

That would indicate that it's *not* a problem with Internet Explorer 9 in general, but something in your IE settings or something else in your user account.

One suggestion I found is Why on my inbox list is the from column blank?
I have no idea whether it will work.
Best wishes,