VBA to mouse scroll listbox for Outlook 365

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VBA to mouse scroll listbox for Outlook 365

Post by jonnathanjons »

Hello Team,

In a previous topic I posted, this forum helped me to achieve a long time wish.

This includes a ListBox . I have attached a scroll bar in the side of the ListBox. But the mouse scroll is not working. When I google I found there is a separate vba script to be added. But I could not see one for Outlook 365.All I see the in google is scroll vba for excel and not sure which one to apply.
I am also not sure if there a separate vba module to be created and how do I attach that module to the Listbox created already.

Appreciate your help.
If there is any link available help me step by step ,I can refer that. thanks as always.

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Re: VBA to mouse scroll listbox for Outlook 365

Post by jonnathanjons »

Any help is appreciated..for vba for mouse scroll for list box in outlook 365. I could see for excel in other forums but not for outlook 365

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Re: VBA to mouse scroll listbox for Outlook 365

Post by HansV »

Do you mean the online version of Outlook, or the desktop version?

If it is the desktop version, VBA code for Excel should work there too.
Best wishes,

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Re: VBA to mouse scroll listbox for Outlook 365

Post by jonnathanjons »

Hello Han,

I am using below script. but the mouse scroll is not working. When I say mouse scroll I am trying to use the mouse wheel . I can move the scroll bar by using mouse manually but not through mouse wheel. I am wondering if its possible.

Private Sub UserForm1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
HooklistScroll Me, Me.UserForm1
End Sub

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Re: VBA to mouse scroll listbox for Outlook 365

Post by HansV »

I cannot help you with this, sorry.
Best wishes,

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Re: VBA to mouse scroll listbox for Outlook 365

Post by jonnathanjons »

No Problem. But thanks for checking.