Help with a rates formula please

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Help with a rates formula please

Post by steveh »

Cross Post

This post has been posted on another forum already without a resolution yet

Good morning

I need some help please in revamping a formula for a tariff

I was going to try and explain everything here but it got too complicated. I have attached a copy of the workbook which calculates a rate based on a table in the rates and surcharges tab, however my supplier has now simplified the tariff structure to a base rate for 1 kilo and then a rate per half a kilo thereafter so I would only need to reference A4:A5 and B4:F5.

There are about 5 different calculations (highlighted in red) in the calculation tab but I honestly can't remember how it got that complicated.

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Last edited by HansV on 26 Jan 2010, 15:09, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: to correct spelling in subject
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Re: Help with a rates formula please

Post by HansV »

Does this formula in E32 do what you want?

=INDEX('Rates + Surcharge'!$J$4:$N$4,C32)+INDEX('Rates + Surcharge'!$J$5:$N$5,C32)*ROUNDUP(2*MAX(D32-1,0),0)
Best wishes,

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Joined: 26 Jan 2010, 12:46
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Re: Help with a rates formula please

Post by steveh »

Cheers Hans

Bang on the money


Steve" onclick=";return false;
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin