Flight Delay

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Flight Delay

Post by Bigaldoc »

Passenger : "The flight's been delayed? When will it leave?"
Airline Rep: "As soon as we find some goats."
Passenger: "Goats??"

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6979292.stm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Flight Delay

Post by HansV »

Well, at least they didn't ask for one of the passengers to give their first born child... :flee:
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Re: Flight Delay

Post by BobH »

I've flown with pilots who should have taken the goats' place.
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Re: Flight Delay

Post by Bowlie »

Ay, if they had only sacrificed a few goats into Eya ... :hairout: Eyjafjalllll :innocent: Eyjafjallajokkkkk :scratch: Eyjafjallajokull !!!!!

(It's pronounced Aya faal o kul)

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Re: Flight Delay

Post by viking33 »

Bowlie wrote: Eyjafjallajokull !!!!!

(It's pronounced Aya faal o kul)
I thoght everyone knew that? :grin:
:massachusetts: :usa:

If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.

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Re: Flight Delay

Post by HansV »

Bowlie wrote:(It's pronounced Aya faal o kul)
I've seen/heard a few people from Iceland pronounce it, and it's more like eye-a(r)-fyatla(r)-yokut(l) where the letters between parentheses are pronounced very lightly.
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Re: Flight Delay

Post by Argus »

Bowlie wrote:[...] Eyjafjallajokkkkk :scratch: Eyjafjallajokull !!!!! [...]
Heh, I think I would refer to it as EFJK. :laugh: (Or perhaps as in one of the comments in the YouTube Hans linked to earlier; "Mount Doom" (at least so far)).
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Re: Flight Delay

Post by BobH »

Anyone know if there is a website that is tracking the ash flow in the air?

There will probably be some fantastic sunsets a little later in the year. I remember flying back from London after Mt. Pinatubo erupted back in '91. I arrived in New York late in the day and flew south along the East coast of the States as far South as Norfolk, Virginia, as the sun was setting. It was in October. It was the most beautiful and memorable view from an airplane that I recall in 40 years of flying. New York City was lit up with the WTC towers and the Statue of Liberty in the foreground and a beautiful golden orange sunset sky in the background.

Of course I had no camera with me.
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Re: Flight Delay

Post by HansV »

You'll find some graphics on the Wikipedia page about Air travel disruption after the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption
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Re: Flight Delay

Post by johbot »

BobH wrote: ... some fantastic sunsets a little later in the year. ... Mt. Pinatubo erupted back in '91.
From my house, I have a magnificent westerly aspect and always get good sunsets. But I also remember the intensified sunsets as a result of Pinatubo. Those lasted a good six months. (not each!)