Backing up one screen

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Backing up one screen

Post by Slim »

My previous keyboard had a button at the top left marked "Back". When operating on the net I could return to the previously displayed screen simply by pressing this button. To return to the screen I just left I could press a button marked "forward". I found this very handy in many circumstances. Now, the new keyboard does not have these buttons.
My question is this. Is there a keyboard shortcut that I can use to do what the "back" button did? And is there a keyboard shortcut that will do what the "forward" button did?
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Re: Backing up one screen

Post by HansV »

You can use Alt+Left arrow to go back, and Alt+Right arrow to go forward.
Backspace also takes you back to the previous page.
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Re: Backing up one screen

Post by Slim »

Many thanks Hans. You have saved me much frustration and time with this solution.
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Re: Backing up one screen

Post by stuckling1 »

HansV wrote: Backspace also takes you back to the previous page.
Shift+Backspace takes you forward too

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Re: Backing up one screen

Post by HansV »

I had never tried that one - thanks!
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Re: Backing up one screen

Post by stuck »

stuckling1 wrote:Shift+Backspace takes you forward too
HansV wrote:I had never tried that one - thanks!
:fanfare: :clapping: Have a :chocciebar: for knowing something that Hans didn't!

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Re: Backing up one screen

Post by Argus »

I have noticed a small discrepancy when selecting the History menu in Firefox with the mouse or via the keyboard; if using the latter, the keyboard, there will be menu entries for moving backward or forward, showing the old familiar keyboard shortcuts, Alt-Left arrow and Alt-Right arrow. Obviously very handy if you don't have a mouse and don't know the shortcuts.

In Internet Explorer these are always present on the View menu; but once one knows the shortcuts there's of course no need to access the menu.
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Re: Backing up one screen

Post by stuckling1 »

Argus wrote:I have noticed a small discrepancy when selecting the History menu in Firefox with the mouse or via the keyboard; if using the latter, the keyboard, there will be menu entries for moving backward or forward, showing the old familiar keyboard shortcuts
Sharp eyes, Argus!
I doubt I'd ever have noticed this - interestingly there is a similar job on the File menu:
There are three new menu items that appear if you open it with the keyboard [alt+f] which aren't there with mouse: Open Location; Close Tab; Close Window. All have keyboard shortcuts associated.

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Re: Backing up one screen

Post by Argus »

Yep (I try to have an eye open... whether it's a weather eye or not I don't know :laugh: ), there's a similar thing there; but a comment about the File menu (in English versions) would have brought me even further off-topic, talking about Fx was bad already. :grin: Hence I added a little about IE's View menu, and that one can find shortcuts via menus. :smile:
Byelingual    When you speak two languages but start losing vocabulary in both of them.