Recommendations for correspondence course software?

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Recommendations for correspondence course software?

Post by ChrisGreaves »

I want to replace my home-grown correspondence course engine.
Does anyone have any experience of this sort of software?

I have a dozen courses, each course made up of 12 to 20 lessons.
You subscribe to a course, and you start receiving lessons starting with lesson 1, even though someone else is receiving lesson 17, and I am feverishly crafting lesson 25.

It is like an eLetter, but new subscribers start with the first issue, and work their way through the eLetter issue by issue.

Once you get to the end of the lessons it is "Thank You" time, although a neat feature of my system is that if I decide to add a few more lessons, the emitter picks up on this and starts where it left off.

Now that my web site, email and blogs are being refurbished I feel I should work in this area too.
I know what a emailer service is (e.g. MailChimp) for sending out my eLetters to subscribers.
I know what a blog service is (e.g. Blogspot) for blogging.
I know about blogging with onsite software (e.g. WordPress).
I see that WordPress, depending on the theme selected, can give me a set of pages AND a blog.

But nothing I've seen so far allows the new subscriber to start at Vol 1 No.1.
I’ve been tidying the junk out of my shed for five years, and now can hardly get into the shed