Windows Update History shows the following to have been included in the update: KB5048667, KB5002661, KB5002660, KB5002652, KB5002641, KB2920716 (shown to have been installed twice), KB4475587.
Is it possible that the update killed my audio? I've tried to run troubleshooting but it hangs without completing. I can find nothing that I recognize as causing the audio to be turned off. In fact when I play a YouTube video the audio appears to be turned on but there is no sound from the speaker. While leaving the video playing and checking Settings > System > Sound, I see options as shown in the screen shot except that the Volume bar is pulsing indicating to me that there is sound present to the system but none from my speaker. I have not touched the speaker cable or controls in weeks. I can find no apparent problem.
Can anyone suggest diagnostics and troubleshooting I should try?

Sorry for the strikethrough. I click Delete This Post and received a response saying that I couldn't delete a post - one I wrote - in this forum.
I found the solution, and as is ever the case, it was a cable. It's always the cable!