Starting a new Thread but perhaps also refer to above.
I am still finding all my 3 ext HD are showing up a Disc 1 partition on my internal C drive ... when plugged in they do not show up as another drive in This PC/Windows SSD. How to solve

I am absolutely no expert and struggling somewhat to grasp solutions ... what let me to check this morning was that I left a Disc Backup working last night which eventually failed ... I think this was due to it trying to also backup the ext HD 'sector' being used for backup!
The image below shows where I renamed Ext HD ... but it still shows as a sector on C drive Arn't ext HD's Fat32 and not NTFS? Maybe this is just because it appears as a partition ... checking ext HD's on my old pc, they correctly show as their own drive under This PC
This next image shows a higher capacity un-named usb ext HD. Again it appears as an internal drive partition. I'm sure that there is a simple solution to solve all these errors and need forum expertise please. Hopefully I have provided sufficient information for assistance.
Also I am planning to purchase another ext usb connected but SSD rather than HD ... if I don't solve the above will the new ext SSD also become a partition of the internal disc?