Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

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Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by BobH »

I forgot to mention when I started this thread that my original goal is to repartition my C: drive so that I can have Windows and its related files in their own partition and everything else - my data - in another partition.

After that, I plan to encrypt the data files. Before I try that with the C: drive, I thought I'd practice on the thumb drive so as not to have a catastrophe. (Sound familiar Mr. G)

I have a new thumb drive that has 256GB of space. I copied off the SanDisk software to another disk then deleted it. I then renamed the device as Thumb Z and assigned the drive letter Z: to it. I now have what you see in the screenshot:
Disk Mgmt Z.png
I'm stuck at this point. I want to create 2 partitions on this device. I read that I should be able to right click in the unallocated space shown in Disk Management and see a menu that offers Create Simple Volume. Right clicking gives me a drop down menu but it does not include the option to create a simple volume. I would provide a screenshot but I cannot which leads to the Snipping Tool question.

I read that I should be able to launch Snipping Tool, choose New to create a new snip, press the escape key then - after right clicking in Disk Mgmt to get the drop down menu displayed - press CTL and PrtScr simultaneously and cause Snipping Tool to display the unfocused screen which gives the option to encompass the area to be captured, the drop down menu, and proceed as with a regular screenshot snip. I'm not doing something right as I do not get this result.

If someone can explain what I'm doing wrong with Snipping Tool when trying to capture the drop down, I'll capture it and display it in this thread. Perhaps then I can ask an intelligible question about how to use Disk Management to create multiple partitions on the thumb drive.

FWIW, I read that one might use the shrink volume option in Disk Mgmt and choose how much space to allocate. The shrink volume drop down menu option is greyed out making it unavailable. Again, I can't show this because I can't capture a drop down menu with Snipping Tool.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

:cheers: :chocciebar: :thankyou:
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Re: Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by jolas »

You may want to try the FREE version ofMiniTool Partition Wizard for this task. It is visually convenient to accomplish partitioning.

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Re: Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by stuck »

Before you use MiniTool be aware it can cause a weird error when you login to Windows: ... login.html
It happened to me.


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Re: Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by ChrisGreaves »

BobH wrote:
24 Sep 2024, 22:11
... I thought I'd practice on the thumb drive so as not to have a catastrophe. (Sound familiar Mr. G)[/color]
A sound practice for old folks who are "all thumbs"!

Hi Bob
... get the drop down menu displayed - press CTL and PrtScr simultaneously and ...
Well, you did say "any help" :evilgrin:
"Snipping Tool" I don't know from anything, but Ctrl+Prtscr, or even PrtScr alone, should put at least some part of your screen into the Clipboard. (Alt+PrtScr puts an image of just the active window into Clipboard, for those folks who are not yet in the habit of using maximized windows).

Get yourself into MSPaint, Ctrl+V to paste, then you can do a quick edit to (a) trim the image to the part you want and (b) put a non-white border around it to distinguish "image" from Text", as in this example:-
Snipping Tool may have many advantages, but in this specific case, MSPaint will help you get an answer to your real problem (partitioning a thumb drive) a day or three faster.
I'm just sayin' :innocent: :innocent:
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Re: Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by Jay Freedman »

Here's what I see when I right-click an unallocated partition (this is in Windows 11):
It says "New" instead of "Create", but it does what you want.
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Re: Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by BobH »

Thanks, Jay.

As you can see in my post, there is no allocated or unallocated space on my thumb drive. The drop down I get has a different set of options that does not inclued New Simple Volume.
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Re: Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by BobH »

I found the solution.

First, I deleted the volume label (Z:). That resulted in dm showing unallocated space. Right clicking in the unallocated space gave me the menu Jay posted with the New Simple Volume option. I used that option to create a partition with 97.66GB making it volume Y. I then repeated the process and created a second partition giving it the remainder of the space and making it volume Z.
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Re: Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by BobH »

While I haven't learned how to use Snipping Tool to capture drop down menus, I remembered that I had used Screenpresson in the past to do so .

In case anyone needs to know how to use Screenpresso to capture drop down menus, here's how.

1) Launch Screenpresso
2) Click the down arrow to open the context menu next to the Screenshot region icon.
3) Chose the delayed screenshot option in the drop down menu which will give you 5 seconds to go to thte screen with the drop down menu you want to capture. It helps to have the app with the drop down screen active so that you can click on it in the system try and activate the drop down menu.
4) Use the selection cursor frame in Screenpresso to select the drop down menu. Screenpresso will place an image icon in its window.
5) To save the image, right click on the image and choose Save as then whatever folder you want to store the image in.

There are other options in the drop down menu besides saving the image . Screenpresso has icons to allow you to edit the image andto publish it which includes emailing it or sending it to OneDrive.
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Re: Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by JoeP »

If your system is configured to open Snip when you press prtscr, then open the drop down menu and press prtscr. You can go to Settings | Accessibility | Keyboard to see/change the setting.

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Re: Partitioning a Thumb Drive and Snipping Tool

Post by BobH »

Solution Found!

After posting the question on the Microsoft Community forum, I learned that the Snipping Tool has a delay feature like that found in Screenpresso. It allows one to delay for up to 10 seconds whilst preparing for the screen scrape.

I captured the Snipping Tool menu window using this feature. It is shown below with the delay timer circled.
Snipping Tool Delay.jpg
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"Snipping Tool" in Windows 11, for pop ups and drop downs

Post by DocAElstein »

BobH wrote:
24 Sep 2024, 22:11
....should be able to
_ launch Snipping Tool,
_ choose New to create a new snip,
_ press the escape key then - after right clicking in Disk Mgmt to - get the drop down menu displayed
_ press CTL and PrtScr simultaneously and cause Snipping Tool to display the unfocused screen which gives the option to encompass the area to be captured, the drop down menu, and proceed as with a regular screenshot snip. .......
…..If someone can explain what I'm doing wrong with Snipping Tool when trying to capture the drop down…..
Hi Bob,
Just a quick note/ reminder on that Snipping tool for pop up / dropdown issue: we have discussed this one a few times in recent years ( for example, ... 55#p308555 ... 68#p292968 )

That particular procedure/ key combination and feature you describe, was in Windows 10 and not, or not quite, or not quite as much ** or sort of there if you are lucky in a round about sort of way, in windows 11.
( …. Snipping Tool was to be deprecated and replaced with Snip & Sketch in the Windows 10 period. But it was not discontinued …. possibly as a lot of people liked it in preference to Snip and Sketch, that is what I heard/ picked up at the time. It seemed to get a bit messy around the windows 11 time, …. features from Snip & Sketch were merged into Snipping Tool, and Snip & Sketch is no longer part of Windows 11 , .. maybe … perhaps.
It’s a bit confusing, as we have that name now Snipping Tool in Windows 11, but it works a bit differently to the Snipping Tool from the Windows 10 period. (Exactly what they did and why and what we have got will be proprietary info I guess.. left to us to guess, or smarter people may have better inside information)

The end result is that, I think you can almost do what you want, in a roundabout sort of way using the thing in windows 11 going by the name of Snipping Tool .

So I do try this now, and as example I am trying to do something similar to what you originally wanted, trying in Disk Mgmt in Windows 11, (my system and set up is a bit different so I can’t check exactly the same, but I think its close to that you tried to do, that is to say get a screenshot from a right click drop down in Disk Mgmt in Windows 11
Here we go…..

Method 1
_ launch Snipping Tool,
_ choose New to create a new snip,
_ press the escape key, ( then get the drop down or pop up you want to take a screenshot of )
_ press the three keys, Microsoft Symbol and Shift and S simultaneously ………
_ You now have the familiar darkened screen or greyed screen , with the default snip type being that familiar one where you hold the left mouse button, drag around a bit ,then let go and you end up with a rectangular snip.
But, Now here’s the catch: Snipping Tool does not open in windows 11 at this point in the way it does in Windows 10 at this point after you made your snip, and for me nothing is visible**. (I am taking a wild guess that what is going on here is some incorporated feature from the discontinued Snip and sketch.)
However, all is not lost, as it where, at least the saved screenshot is somewhere, for example, - it seems to be in the clipboard. I am not sure the best way to get at that screenshot pic. … I tried, just for example, pasting into Word, and got it:
(For this next screenshot I did for you I used Snipping Tool in Windows 11 in the simpler way, _ Launch, _ make the snip of part of my Word doc. After that more simple use of Snipping Tool, Snipping Tool comes up with screenshot in it, and the options , including those to save the pic, which is also not so obvious, or at least different to Windows 10 – we discussed that before as well: there is a tiny save button stuck up there on the right )
This is what I got ... hift-S.jpg
Paste in Word after MS Symbol + Shift + S.jpg

So Method 1 seems to work to get what you want, and in fact, a simpler method 2 seems to do the same…

Method 2
This is sort of like method 1 without the first 3 steps.
( first of all get the drop down or pop up you want to take a screenshot of )
_ press the three keys, Microsoft Symbol and Shift and S simultaneously ………
_ You now have the familiar darkened screen or greyed screen , with the default snip type being the one where you hold the left mouse button, drag around a bit ,then let go and you end up with a rectangular snip.
But, Now here’s the catch: Snipping Tool does not open, ….. etc. etc. as in Method 1



** _ 1 I have heard it said many times that after the snip is taken in windows 11, a notification is given that gives you some options of what to do with the image you now have in the clipboard. But this has never worked for me on my only windows 11 machine. ( I have checked in Settings – Notifications – Snipping Tool , and everything is turned on. ( I have windows version 21H2 (Build22000.675) , and on this particular machine I have rarely messed around with, or changed, any default settings. So it's pretty well "out of the box", that is to, say, as Microsoft want it to be.) )
I expect that does works for most other people, since it is often suggested, so chances are that will work for you also, Bob

** _2 In Windows 10 the method to get a screenshot of a pop up or drop down mostly works, but occasionally doesn’t for me. Same experience had in windows 11 for me, except it works on average slightly less often. But my experience is not extensive. It might go the other way with others depending on what they typically try to get a screenshot of

( _3 I think like me, people find that that key combination , Microsoft Symbol and Shift and S , a bit awkward, and Joe and others have often suggested that you can use key PrtScr to activate by going to Settings | Accessibility | Keyboard, or set up a shortcut of your own. ( I probably won’t try that myself just yet as something seems to be wonky in my settings regarding Snipping Tool on my only windows 11 machine. At the moment I can usually get a screenshot of a dropdown or pop up, (even if not as easily in Windows 10), so I don’t want to risk braking that ) )
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