Debugging Immediate Window Watch Window F8 Debug (Break) Mode
I don’t often recommend Blogs, as I like to try and explain things every time myself, … but I found this one Blog particularly clear, concise , easy to read, and extremely useful.
I think it should be on every beginners reading list.
I would strongly recommend anyone learning VBA or using VBA to take the time to read this: ... dow-excel/" onclick=";return false;
In my opinion it is a false economy not to get familiar with the Immediate Window and use of it in debugging a code. If you are not familiar with it, then you will likely get your time investment back with the time you save the first time you use it when anything goes wrong in any coding. It is an essential part of your tool box: compare it to your Multimeter and Oscilloscope when trying to repair any Electrical device: Without that and some other debug stuff
** you are blind
**A few debug tips I would add to that Blog, based on my experience, in the text file attached
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