Envelopes: address positions

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Joined: 10 Feb 2010, 12:53

Envelopes: address positions

Post by Sgte »

In Word: Tools / Letters and Mailings / Envelopes and Labels
I insert the address (from my Outlook address book) then click Options / Envelope options
Is there a way, having selected a (say) C5 envelope to save the Delivery address from left and from top. The same goes for the Return address. I'd like to be able to ensure that the same are available the next time I want to print an envelope. Any help please?

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Re: Envelopes: address positions

Post by HansV »

You could create a blank document, and add an envelope with the settings that you prefer. Then save the document as a template.
Whenever you need a document with an envelope, create a new document from the template.
Best wishes,

Posts: 164
Joined: 10 Feb 2010, 12:53

Re: Envelopes: address positions

Post by Sgte »

Thanks Hans, I did not realise that those envelope setting are saved with the document template! I've now created 2 envelope document templates in a directory called Envelopes wich is in the Documents and Settings folder on my drive D: That way those templates are always backed up and available. Thank you for your assistance - much appreciated.