Inserting multiple hyperlinks always starts at desktop

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Inserting multiple hyperlinks always starts at desktop

Post by MelanieB »

Maybe I'm not remembering this right, but up till a couple of months ago, if I inserted a hyperlink in Word 2003 and, without closing Word, inserted another one, the hyperlink set up window (browse) would start in the last folder I used. Now, every time I insert a hyperlink, it makes me start browsing at my desktop.

The only thing I can think of that has changed on our network is that we migrated from a Novell network to a Microsoft network. I don't know if that would impact this or not. And, hey, it may be I'm just remembering it wrong. I don't do hyperlinks more than once every couple of months or so.

How is it supposed to work?

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Re: Inserting multiple hyperlinks always starts at desktop

Post by HansV »

I'm using Word 2007 at the moment, but I can confirm that Word doesn't "remember" the last folder used for inserting a hyperlink. It always starts in Word's "current folder" (usually the folder containing the most recently opened document)

I can't remember whether this behavior used to be different, but it seems that the behavior that your experience is "normal".
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Re: Inserting multiple hyperlinks always starts at desktop

Post by William »

What I've found, using Word 2003, is that after displaying the "Insert Hyperlink" dialog, selecting the "Browse for File" icon does what Hans says - browsing starts in the "current folder".

However, if the "Recent Files" tab (?) and then a file are selected before "Browse for File", browsing starts where the selected file is located. (This is how it works for me, anyway - though all my links are from one Word document to a bookmark in another Word document.) Is this the experience you remember?

Incidentally, I've searched for a way to make "Recent Files" (rather than "Current Folder") the default, but I've never found a way of doing so.

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Re: Inserting multiple hyperlinks always starts at desktop

Post by MelanieB »

Well the mystery deepens on my end. It works correctly IF the workbook is saved to my hard drive or my personal drive on our network and if I am linking to a file on my hard drive or personal drive on the network. Just the way it's supposed to - goes to the current folder. However, if the workbook is saved on our main server (even to a folder I have full rights to), when I hyperlink, the dialog window defaults to MyDesktop. I saved the workbook to about 10 locations - both local hard drive, personal network location, and public network locations, and every time, without fail, when the workbook is located in a folder on the main network (again, not my personal folder on the network), the dialog defaults to MyDesktop.

I have a call in to our network admininstrator to find out if it's a rights thing. I am supposed to have the same rights to my personal network folder as I do to my public network folder. But, apparently something is different. I'll let you know what I find out. Thanks for your thoughts.