Headphone output socket

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Re: Headphone output socket

Post by viking33 »

Dave Davison wrote:Yep, as the pic shows there is an socket for a earphones & believe you are right on that one as far as listening to tapes that are being copied however, that still leaves me with the original root issue of the front earphone socket being mute. Could well be a function that can be corrected in the Bios settings. Cheers Dave.
Wait a minute now. Your last screenshot shows a phone jack on what appears to be a portable tape player, not on the the front panel of your tower??
Which one is it? Getting confused now.
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Re: Headphone output socket

Post by Rudi »

Earlier in the thread Bob asked about the tape recorder here and enquired if it had a jack. You must have missed this post...

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Re: Headphone output socket

Post by Dave Davison »

As ever thanks gents I appreciate the comments. Bob! sorry I am clueless when it comes to specifying the technical details you say would help with what advice to give & -as for me accessing the BIOS or Registry to make adjustments - the maxim; "A little knowledge can be dangerous" is my approach to such things. I have just powered off and slid the slide panel off to check the cables and note that the three sockets on the front do in fact have cables connected but as for whether the earphone cable is connected to the mother board, I can't say. I've attached a couple of pics showing just what is visible to the untrained eye. Perchance they might shed some light on the issue, Cheers Dave.

ps.just noticed the question by Viking about the earphone socket on the front of the tower, I did post a screenshot of the same in my 24th Jan post..
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Re: Headphone output socket

Post by BobH »

Howdy Dave!

I cropped out just a part of your photos and circled an area of the motherboard that appears to have indentifying information; however the photo is just a bit too fuzzy to read and there are cables in the way.
Just the mobo.jpg
If you could just push the cable out of the way a bit in the area circled in red and get a clearer shot of the information, we might be able to find information online about your motherboard and how the earphone jack connects to it.

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Re: Headphone output socket

Post by viking33 »

If not just run the FREE utility Speccy.
http://www.piriform.com/speccy" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

It will tell you all you've ever wanted to know about your system.
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Re: Headphone output socket

Post by Dave Davison »

Hi Bob.........followed both suggestions and post the results. By the way, the freebie "BelarcAdvisor" http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html also scrutinizes the innards of ones computer and in the scan -besides showing all the technical details of the computer- it also indicates which updates are required. I lost the link to this freebie during the updating of my computer and only just now remembered the name or I would have been able to give more details of the system. Cheers Dave.
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Re: Headphone output socket

Post by BobH »

Howdy, Dave!

It occurred to me that your inability to monitor while recording is not a hardware issue at all. I checked Audacity and found a control that allows listening while recording. Have you checked to see if it is activated? Click Edit > Preferences then choose Recording to see the options.
Audacity Recording PReferences.jpg
As you can see you have a box that can be checked to allow "Listening while recording . . . "

Is that box checked (It is not in the screenshot shown here but you can change that easily.)? If not, give that a try and report back.
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Re: Headphone output socket

Post by BobH »

In your OP, you said that there was no sound coming through the front panel earphone jack. It wasn't clear to me whether this was only while using Audacity to record or whether you have tried listening to an audio CD or audio stored on HDDs. If the former, try listening to some other sound source using your headphones or earplugs without using Audacity - try Windows Media Player or iTunes. If you get sound, then you know that your front panel audio jack is working.

Having said that, I looked up your motherboard (mobo) layout on the AS>Rock site and found where the front audio cable should plug into your mother board. Here is a screenshot:
Daves Mobo Layout.jpg
In this diagram, the left hand side is the rear of your system. The connector labelled in this diagram as '23' (circled in yellow and highlighted in description) is where the cable that runs from the front panel phone jack should be plugged in.

If the cable is properly and firmly connected, and you still get no sound in your earphones playing audio files from Windows Media Player, I suggest that you have a hardware problem because I don't think you have a BIOS setting that would affect it. If you must call again on your tech person, get more definitive information about the specific BIOS setting and if he cannot, then he owns a hardware problem, IMO.

All of the latter assumes that changing Audacity settings doesn't solve your stated problem of being unable to monitor recordings as they are made.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Headphone output socket

Post by Dave Davison »

..quite a lot to digest there Bob will check to see if the cable from the front earphone socket is firmly seated into the position you indicate, if it is, maybe I will pop round to the techie's shop for a chat and see if he will elaborate on the matter of the dead socket. Will feed back with whatever I glean, as ever, thanks for all the support. If anyone wonders why earphones are so important, it is because the computer is in the spare bedroom and as I tend to be a nighthawk, (to maintain the peace) I need to listen via the headphones rather than the speakers built in to the monitor. Regards Dave.

Latest.....Hi Bob, after much searching I have discovered that the reason there was no sound registering on the Audacity wave pattern or in the earphones. Why, I don't know but the "Muted" boxes were all ticked (see attached pic] in the sound settings in Realtek HD Audio manager. However, there is still no sound at the front earphone socket & I can't discern if the lead you refer to is plugged in. I looked at the leads connected to the front four sockets but it is not easy to differentiate what colors relate to the plug in question or I could look for them at the suggested location. Maybe a simple trek to the shop will help resolve this niggly issue. Cheers Dave.
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