Opening a new tab causes error message

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Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by jmt356 »

When I open a new tab by pressing ctrl + T or by clicking on a link from an Outlook email that causes a new tab to open, I get the following error message about once in every three times: (this is not a verbatim copy of the message) "An error has caused Internet Explorer to close" and that gives me the option to either close IE or close IE and search for a solution online. Searching for a solution never yields any fruit. Closing IE causes the tab that I was trying to open, not the entire program, to close.

I imagine the fix for this would be to uninstall and reinstall IE? I don't recall adding any recent add-ons that could be causing the problem, though I did recently update Lastpass.


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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by HansV »

Try running Internet Explorer without any add-ons:
Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)
Do you have the same problem if you do that, or can you open a new tab without errors?
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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by jmt356 »

Do I have to close down all my IE windows before I do this?
After I do this, will all of the new IE windows open without add-ons running?


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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by HansV »

Yes, you should close all instances of Internet Explorer, then select the Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) menu option. If you open a new tab, it will run without add-ons.
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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by jmt356 »

When I run IE without add-ons, I don’t get the errors. However there are a few problems with this:
- I can’t get LastPass to load when IE is running without Add-ons.
- I keep on getting this annoying “IE is currently running without add-ons” yellow info bar up top in IE, and even though I keep on clicking the X on the right of the info bar, the bar comes back up every time I visit a new link. When I tried right-clicking the info bar and selecting notification options, it looked like my only way around the info bar was to turn off all instances, including when IE prompts me before downloading a file or allowing a new window to pop up. I want to keep the info bar in those instances.
- I can’t get IE to run without add-ons whenever I open it by clicking on a link in one of my Outlook messages.

Is there another possible solution?


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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by jmt356 »

Also, when I open a new IE window after I opened one up without add-ons, I don't think that stops add-ons from running in the new IE window (though it does stop add-ons from running in new tabs opened from only the IE window that was run without add-ons). So that fix (running IE without add-ons) requires a lot of deliberate effort in making sure you ONLY open up new IE windows by going to start menu and choosing IE without add-ons.


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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by HansV »

The idea behind asking you to run Internet Explorer without add-ons was not to offer a permanent solution, but part of the investigation.
You now know that one of the add-ons in Internet Explorer causes the problem.

The next step is as follows:
Start Internet Explorer normally.
Select Tools | Manage Add-Ons.
You'll see a list of add-ons, with the enabled/disabled status for each.
Note which ones are enabled.
Select each enabled item and click Disable. (You can select multiple ones by holding Ctrl while selecting)
Now enable just one add-on by selecting it and clicking Enable.
Click Close.
Work with Internet Explorer and see if you get the error.
If not, enable another extension, etc. etc., until the error reappears.
You will then know which extension causes the error.
You'll either have to do without that extension, or see if there is a new, improved version of it.
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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by jmt356 »

Thanks Hans. So far I only have the Shockwave Flash Object by Adobe enabled, since that's necessary to view many videos. Next I will enable Adobe PDF link helper, which I suspect will bring back the problem, since I believe the problem started after Adobe prompted me to download and install some update ...


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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by jmt356 »

The culprit appears to be Shockwave Flash object. IE just crashed when I had Shockwave enabled and only 1 other add-on enabled. Then I disabled the other add-on, and IE still crashed. I just disabled Shockwave Flash object and anticipate the problem will stop. I had a feelign it was one of these Adobe add-ons, because I recall the problem starting after I downloaded a bunch of Adobe updates. The problem is, with Shockwave Flash object disabled, I can't view many videos.


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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by HansV »

It's quite possible that Flash Player causes the problems on your PC, but on the other hand, most people use it in Internet Explorer without crashes.

In the meantime, you could try using Firefox to view videos. Firefox uses a diferent version of the Flash Player.
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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by jmt356 »

For now, I am running IE without Shockwave Flash object and whenever I need to view a video, I enable it. Then the next time IE closes, I disable it. Then when I need to view a video, I enable it, and so on, until they put out a new update.

But it just crashed while Shockwave Flash object was disabled and only Lastpass was enabled! So now I think it must be Lastpass, but before, it crashed when Lastpass was off and Shockwave was enabled, so it appears to be both of them.


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Re: Opening a new tab causes error message

Post by jmt356 »

Quick update: it just crashed and I found everything was disabled except for Microsoft Silverlight. Perhaps this was causing the problem all along but I overlooked it and thought it wsa disabled. I will pay closer attention now. It's got to be Silverlight, Shockwave, or Lastpass.