Well, I was for most of February!
PS Foxes quite like dog food; so do the vixen.
Rabbits! I put out four strips of pork steak and two handfuls of popped corn at 6:45am. I would like to be here when Reyn comes by, but if I am at the dentist, I am sure Reyn’ll return tomorrow.
Breakfast fit for a champion! Four strips of tender pork shoulder steak drizzled with freshly-popped popcorn. I looked up “what foxes eat” on t’internet and it seems that they eat mice and berries in winter. (a) I have had no mice since David plugged the hole under the sink two years ago and (b) the black-currant canes are still under two feet of snow and (c) it isn’t really two feet of snow, it’s four feet whose top two feet have been transformed into a layer of ice thick enough to walk on if you’re light enough not to fall through.
Forty minutes later only three strips are left. Some of the popcorn has blown away. But “pork shoulder boneless” steaks don’t blow away. Tossed out at room temperature they weld to the ice-covered snow in an instant!
Stone the crows! (but people who live in houses with new windows …).
There are three black crows in this picture. Can you spot them? What you can’t see are the four hovering seagulls
(1) who have traveled up from the fish plant for a look-see.
Poor Reyn. I have a dental appointment this morning, unless it gets cancelled for the third fortnight in a row on account of “the weather”.
The good news is that although I know they always quote a time 30 minutes ahead of when Dr. will see me, and although I always get there at the time they tell me to (it's a 14.5 minute walk in winter time), and although I always carry a book in my pocket and sit there trying not to look ticked off, this morning I can take a pencil too, and design a means of setting out food so that Reyn can get to it on his regular patrol, but crows and seagulls and other vermin will have to get
their scraps from the front yard, where I have been setting it out for over four years now..
Cheers, Chris
(1)Few seagulls actually fly here; they patrol the town by using the winds and if you squint (or have left your glasses inside) you can pretend that they are albatrosses! C
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