Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

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Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by aekyall »

As per previous notification, Google has turned on two-step verification today (8th). I have a Google email account. First problem encountered - I could no longer receive mail via Thunderbird (my preferred email package). All Thunderbird would produce was an error message saying that Google wanted a password. I entered the correct Google password but it wasn't accepted! Finally sorted it all out by going into Google settings and (after a bit of a hunt around!!), managed to turn off two-step verification, at which point Thunderbird now works okay. Incidentally, to turn off the verification I had to enter my Google password and, yes, it was the one originally refused but now accepted!! I now await the Second problem! - It hasn't occurred yet but I'm sure it will!!!

Hope this might be of use if anyone else hits the same problem - unless, of course, anyone has a way of maintaining two-step verification and being able to access mail via Thunderbird at the same time?? :scratch: :hairout:

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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by HansV »

You can use an app password for Thunderbird if you turn on two-step verification in Gmail. See Sign in with App Passwords
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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by StuartR »

I have used two step verification with Google since they first made it available. It works very well, and provides significantly better protection against your account being taken over. As Hans says, you just need to log in to Google and create an app password for your email app.

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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by HansV »

(By the way, an app password used to be necessary if you wanted to use Gmail in Outlook too, but that now simply lets you log in to Google. So the app password is no longer needed for Outlook.)
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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by aekyall »

Thanks both

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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by RonH »

I have been using the Google 2 step verification and also Thunderbird for some years now. No App password has ever been set up and as far as I can recall, from the time I configured Google for 2 step, I have never had access issues with Thunderbird nor created any special password other than those associated with my Gmail and other email accounts.
Am I missing something :scratch:
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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by aekyall »

Hadn't got around to sorting the app password but when I opened Thunderbird late yesterday evening it, again, asked me for the google password but there was also a box saying 'did I want Thunderbird to remember it'. I ticked the box and Thunderbird duly opened and accepted/received mail. Lo and behold this morning, when I opened up Thunderbird it immediately accepted Google mail without requiring any password so it looks, on first impressions anyway, that my problem has been sorted without having to set up a App password. This would seem to tally with RonH's view. I'll keep an eye on thunderbird for a few days and see if anything untoward occurs. Thanks to all for help and I've made a note of the App Password process for future use if needed. :thankyou:

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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by HansV »

From your and Ron's description, it looks like Thunderbird, like Outlook, has been updated to work with Two-Step Verification for Gmail, so you won't need an app password.
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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by aekyall »

Ha! Afraid I'll have to back-track on my last! Hit the original problem of Thunderbird asking for Google password and not accepting it. So have now set up an App Password (as originally suggested) and all is back to normal. Sorry RonH - Not sure what set-up you have but I have certainly had to create an App password to allow Thunderbird to access Google mail. :scratch:

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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by RonH »

Hei Keith,

Perhaps Google has/is making staged changes and as yet these have not yet reached our two Windows 10 PC's. I will post if I get your issue.
Cheers Ron
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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by StuartR »

I wonder if this might be because those PCs were already logged in when Google introduced the change, and you haven't changed your Google password or reinstalled the software on those PCs since.

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Re: Google two-step verification and Thunderbird

Post by aekyall »

I certainly haven't changed my Google password or reinstalled the software, but whether that's the reason I really don't have any idea. All is currently working okay with the App password, so fingers crossed!