Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

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Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

I have a Windows 10 Home version 20H2 laptop connected by WiFi. It has a maximum strength signal when connected. It always can access the Internet. However, if I do not open a mapped shortcut to it immediately after if boots up, I can no longer access it on my network yet it still accesses the Internet so it has not lost WiFi connection.

This problem, I am almost certain, started when I updated this computer with Microsoft’s September updates. At that time, it was using Windows 10 Home version 1909. I then updated all my computers to Windows 10 version 2004. When I TRIED to get help from Microsoft they insisted I update this laptop to version 20H2 to correct this problem. So, I did and the problem followed it to this version also. Microsoft has scheduled 2 callbacks to me but never followed through on any of them. So, I am seeking help elsewhere. Just so no one gets upset, I may make this same post at other sites as well as here.

I am going to attach 3 attachments to better illustrate what I am seeing and experimenting with.
Mapped ComputerName is a shortcut using the computers name to access it. It fails now but until a few weeks ago it always worked.

Mapped IP is a shortcut using the laptop’s IP address it always works.

I did a ping to see if that could reach the laptop when the MappedComputerName fails and it was fine. You will see that in the attachment named ping.

Any thoughts on what is wrong and how to fix it?

Mapped ComputerName.jpg

Mapped IP.jpg
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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by StuartR »

Can you try ping with the computer name, rather than the IP address

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

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Apparently I don't know how to do that. I opened the ping window and typed "ping owner-pc" it said owner-pc is not recognized as an internal or external command.

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

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OK I must have typed it wrong. This time ping said "ping request could not find host owner-pc.

BTW it does find it if I connect it to an Ethernet cable and then do the ping.

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

StuartR wrote:
06 Nov 2020, 13:31
Can you try ping with the computer name, rather than the IP address
OK I see why you had me try this and found while searching the NET: "Additionaly, an administrator can use Ping to test out name resolution. If the packet bounces back when sent to the IP address but not when sent to the name, then the system is having a problem matching the name to the IP address." Although in my case it is just the opposite, I believe. I can get to the IP address but not the computer name using ping.

Unfortunately I cannot find a solution. Do you know what the solution would be?

A bit more experimenting. If I connect an Ethernet cable to this computer pinging by computer name works fine. But it does not work wirelessly.

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by StuartR »

Next thing to do is use nslookup to see how it translates the name when it is working.

Firstly get the system into the state where it is connected via WiFi and not working
Then type the following command on the computer that is trying to access owner-pc (NOT on owner-pc itself)

Code: Select all

nslookup owner-pc
The output will tell you what server it is using, as well as the result of the lookup. The lookup should fail, but we need to know what server is being asked.
Then connect the WiFi cable and do the same command again. This time I guess it will work.

Also please let us know what your network looks like. What router, WiFi hotspots etc do you have.

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

I did what you suggested. And although I can access it while an Ethernet is connected I believe the results of running nslookup owner-pc are the same. I tried running that command from the Start menu's "Run" command but it flashed by too fast to see. So I then ran it from the Command Prompt with Admin privileges. I don't see any difference in running it while WiFi is not working as it should and then running it with an Ethernet cable hooked up.

Please see attachments. The first one is while I cannot access the owner-ps using WiFi. The second attachment is while I can access using the Ethernet cable connected.

Sorry I didn't answer all you asked for. I have a modem from my ISP then it is connected to my WiFi Eero mesh WiFi. From there that main Eero Pro is connected by an Ethernet cable to a 16 port switch. But keep in mind that it seems to be the WiFi connection that fails when I am trying to get to that owner-pc computer. It never fails when I use an Ethernet cable. Also as mentioned above, I do have another mapped shortcut to owner-pc but it uses an IP address and it too reaches the owner-pc all the time when connected by WiFi or Ethernet cable.
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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

Well I'm not exactly sure what running nslookup owner-pc is supposed to show. Since it didn't seem to show any difference when it was not working wireless and connected by Ethernet cable, I decided to try it while the WiFi was working on it. I believe it was still the same. So then I decided to run it to try to see what it said when substituting "owner-pc" for my other computers. It seems to be the same for all of them and they are all connected by an Ethernet connection. So not sure what this all means.

Please see attachment.
Wireless working.jpg
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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by StuartR »

That seems very strange. Maybe I am confused.
When the computer is connected by WiFi you can ping the IP address, but not the name. Is that correct?
When the computer is connected by Ethernet you can ping both the IP address and the name. Is that correct?

One more thing that might help. On owner-pc can you type

Code: Select all

in a command window, and show us the output when you are on WiFi and when you are on Ethernet

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

I am with you as far as being confused but I am very confused. Let me try to answer all in this post that was asked. I may have to make 2 posts out of this because I have 4 attachments to show. I do hope I can explain it clearly because, as I mentioned, I am very confused on all that is taking place.
The first attachment (wired.jpg) shows the results of me running ipconfig the first time with that computer wired. I want to point out that the ip address is different from when it is on WiFi. Wired the ip == on WiFi it is I have no idea if this is normal or not.
The second attachment (wires3.jpg) shows the results after disconnection the Ethernet cable, running ipconfig on WiFi, and then hooking the Ethernet cable back up and running ipconfig again. You can see the results this time shows ip addresses for both Ethernet and WiFi, Again no clue why this happened.

The third attachment (WiFi.jpg) shows the results of running ipconfig while the computer was connected to WiFi

The fourth attachment (wired3.jpg) shows results of running ipconfig while wired by an Ethernet cable for computer name, ip address of the Ethernet connection, and the ip address of the WiFi connection. It appears to me that in all the attachment referenced the ping failed. No clue why this is happening.

Please see second post for the 4th attachment.
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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

StuartR wrote:
07 Nov 2020, 22:11
That seems very strange. Maybe I am confused.
When the computer is connected by WiFi you can ping the IP address, but not the name. Is that correct?
When the computer is connected by Ethernet you can ping both the IP address and the name. Is that correct?

One more thing that might help. On owner-pc can you type

Code: Select all

in a command window, and show us the output when you are on WiFi and when you are on Ethernet
StuartR wrote:
07 Nov 2020, 22:11
That seems very strange. Maybe I am confused.
When the computer is connected by WiFi you can ping the IP address, but not the name. Is that correct?
The answer to this, at this time, is yes because I just tried that and the results can be seen in the attachments.

StuartR wrote:
07 Nov 2020, 22:11
When the computer is connected by Ethernet you can ping both the IP address and the name. Is that correct?
Again, at this time after looking at results I’d have to say yes.
StuartR wrote:
07 Nov 2020, 22:11
in a command window, and show us the output when you are on WiFi and when you are on Ethernet
I hope the attachments answer your questions because now I am even more confused as to how I can send files to this computer at all.
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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

I am on the phone with my WiFi technician. I pinged owner-pc by both name and IP address and it worked as it should. Both pinged as it should. maybe my attachments need updating. Not at all sure. I was looking at and reading the ping results wrong.
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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

StuartR wrote:
07 Nov 2020, 22:11
That seems very strange. Maybe I am confused.
When the computer is connected by WiFi you can ping the IP address, but not the name. Is that correct?
When the computer is connected by Ethernet you can ping both the IP address and the name. Is that correct?

One more thing that might help. On owner-pc can you type

Code: Select all

in a command window, and show us the output when you are on WiFi and when you are on Ethernet
When connected by WiFi I was just able to ping both name and IP address. I really am confused.

When connected by Ethernet it pinged both by name and IP address. Hope my attachment show what I failed to say.

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

I am going to try again and hopefully it is less confusing.
Wired From 2020.jpg
Wireless But Not Connected.jpg
Wireless and Connected.jpg

Let me try again to say something.

I tried pinging the problem computer from my main computer in these steps.
1. Ping computer name and then IP address when it was wired
2. Ping computer name and IP address when it was on WiFi but not accessible from this main computer.
3. Rebooted accessed it immediately upon rebooting then pinged both the computer name and then the IP address.
I will post screen shots of all this again but what, I believe I saw this time is in step #1 both the computer name and the IP address returned good results. See that in first attachment (wired from 2020.jpg.)

In step # 2 I was not able to access the problem computer with Windows File Explorer. When I pinged the computer name, I believe it failed but when I pinged the IP address, I believe it passed. See 2nd attachment (Wired but not connected.jpg)

In step # 3 I first rebooted and then immediately accessed the problem computer with an incident of Windows File Explorer. While that was still a valid connection, I pinged both the computer name and the computer’s IP address. I believe they both passed in this test. See 3rd attachment (Wired and Connected.jpg)

For some reason after the problem computer is on for a while and using WiFi I can no longer ping and get results using the computer’s name. Unfortunately, that is what all my mapped shortcuts uses.
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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by StuartR »

I am now feeling well confused too.
I note that when you ping owner-pc by name, this uses the IPV6 address, so that just adds to the confusion, rather than helping.
Ping IPV6.png
The nslookup commands can't translate the computer name to an address because you aren't using the DNS server that is built in to your router, but you are using a server at Did you set this DNS server address on purpose? What type of router do you have and how is it connected to the internet?

What should happen is that when the server is given an IP address by your router, the router notes the computer name and IP address, so that other computers can ask it to do the name to address translation, but if you ask a different server out on the internet then it won't have heard of owner-pc
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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

StuartR wrote:
08 Nov 2020, 22:17
I am now feeling well confused too.
I note that when you ping owner-pc by name, this uses the IPV6 address, so that just adds to the confusion, rather than helping.
Ping IPV6.png

The nslookup commands can't translate the computer name to an address because you aren't using the DNS server that is built in to your router, but you are using a server at Did you set this DNS server address on purpose? What type of router do you have and how is it connected to the internet?

What should happen is that when the server is given an IP address by your router, the router notes the computer name and IP address, so that other computers can ask it to do the name to address translation, but if you ask a different server out on the internet then it won't have heard of owner-pc
WOW I cannot answer your questions this time. I am going to forward this to the fellow who set my system up and see if I can get you answers.

In the meantime let me post what I think I know. The router, I believe, is what my IPS calls a modem. It is connected to the outside world by a cable. From the back of it an Ethernet cable connects this modem to a WiFi mesh Eero Pro. From the back of that another Ethernet cable connects to a 16 port switch that all the hard wired devices are connected to. I don't know any more than that as far as what equipment is being used.

I don't know about IPv6 or anything about a DNS server. If I can get al;l this straightened out maybe all will work again.


I did send that note but not sure how quickly I will hear back from him.

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

StuartR wrote:
08 Nov 2020, 22:17
I am now feeling well confused too.
I note that when you ping owner-pc by name, this uses the IPV6 address, so that just adds to the confusion, rather than helping.
Ping IPV6.png

The nslookup commands can't translate the computer name to an address because you aren't using the DNS server that is built in to your router, but you are using a server at Did you set this DNS server address on purpose? What type of router do you have and how is it connected to the internet?

What should happen is that when the server is given an IP address by your router, the router notes the computer name and IP address, so that other computers can ask it to do the name to address translation, but if you ask a different server out on the internet then it won't have heard of owner-pc
OK I did some searching and found this about my Eerp mesh WiFi router. From the NET: "Your ISP typically provides an automatic DNS server that resolves web addresses. However, if you'd like to set Custom DNS, you can do so from the eero App. Tap the Settings tab, then select Advanced. Select DNS, then tap the Custom DNS bubble to enter your desired DNS server."
So I checked the Eero app on my phone following the steps above. There are 6 options shown there.
Top line is ISP DNS (Default) and it has a check mark beside it.
Second line is IPv4 Primary =
Third line is IPv4 Secondary =
Fourth line is IPv6 Primary = No Data Available
Fith line is IPv6 Secondary = No Data available
Sixth line is Custom DNS and it shows nothing and I did not click on it.

Does any of this help?

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

I just talked to the tech from Eero. He assures me that the is my ISP's default DNS server's address. I sure don't know but that is what I was just told. AND on my main computer and on owner-pc I disabled IPv6.

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

StuartR wrote:
08 Nov 2020, 22:17
I am now feeling well confused too.
I note that when you ping owner-pc by name, this uses the IPV6 address, so that just adds to the confusion, rather than helping.
Ping IPV6.png

The nslookup commands can't translate the computer name to an address because you aren't using the DNS server that is built in to your router, but you are using a server at Did you set this DNS server address on purpose? What type of router do you have and how is it connected to the internet?

What should happen is that when the server is given an IP address by your router, the router notes the computer name and IP address, so that other computers can ask it to do the name to address translation, but if you ask a different server out on the internet then it won't have heard of owner-pc
I looked for setting for my Eero mesh WiFi. I'm not sure what it all means but this is what I found on the NET: "Your ISP typically provides an automatic DNS server that resolves web addresses. However, if you'd like to set Custom DNS, you can do so from the eero App. Tap the Settings tab, then select Advanced. Select DNS, then tap the Custom DNS bubble to enter your desired DNS server."
So I checked that setting on my Eero phone app and what I found is at the top it says ISP DNS and that has a check mark beside it. Below that it says IPv4 Primary is Below that is says IPv4 Secondary is Below that is IPv6 Primary is

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Re: Win 10 Home version 20H2 Mapped Shortcuts fail.

Post by hlewton »

Somehow I believe the above posts are out of order. The one where I mentioned talking to an Eero tech should have been last. Not sure what happened.