Extended Desktop with tablet??

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Extended Desktop with tablet??

Post by Cah »

Does anyone know how to use an extended desktop with a tablet? I have an Asus Taichi, It has a tablet with no visible mouse/pointer. When I plug in a TV monitor using hdmi I can set it to extend the desktop but then I can't actually access the extended desktop as I have no pointer or anyway to move one.. If I open up the Taichi it is like a laptop and I have access to a trackpad but no touchscreen. Do people only use duplicate mode when using tablets with extra screens?
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Re: Extended Desktop with tablet??

Post by Rudi »

There is a lot of hits when it comes to extending a desktop onto a tablet, but very few hits to extend a tablet onto a secondary monitor.
Does this thread provide any useful info?

Bottom line to the discussion:
Assuming you have the second monitor connected to your tablet with the proper adapter and you've set it up as an extended second display, I am not sure that you can use gestures to actually cast an app from the surface onto your second monitor if the second monitor is not touch enabled. But.....
You may want to consider using your keyboard to accomplish something similar.

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Re: Extended Desktop with tablet??

Post by HansV »

I get the impression that extended desktop mode is intended to be used with the built-in tablet and laptop screens only, where one person can use touch on the tablet screen and the other the keyboard/trackpad on the laptop screen.
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