Sharing documents with individuals in other countries

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Sharing documents with individuals in other countries

Post by jmt356 »

Is there a way to make one of my folders in My Documents accessible by certain individuals living in another country such that they can open, view and edit the documents without needing me to send them to them?

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Re: Sharing documents with individuals in other countries

Post by Rudi »

Certainly not a subfolder in My Documents.
The My Documents folder is on your hard drive and cannot be shared.

If the individuals in the other countries are colleagues within a company, you could use a shared network folder or SharePoint.
If network is out of the question, you could use a Cloud Drive like DropBox or OneDrive or Google Drive, etc...

If your absence does not affect them, your presence didn't matter.
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Re: Sharing documents with individuals in other countries

Post by jmt356 »

I thought shared network folders only worked if both users were on the same Internet connection and their computers were all connected to the router with an Ethernet cable. How would it work if we were in different countries?

Also, what is it like working on files stored on a Cloud Drive compared to working on them locally? How much slower is it (I have 20 mbps internet)?

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Re: Sharing documents with individuals in other countries

Post by HansV »

DropBox, for example, creates a local folder on your hard disk that is synchronized with the cloud folder (*). So you open, edit and save the file on your own computer. When you save it, the cloud version is updated. If someone else does the same, the version on your hard disk will be updated.

Other cloud services have similar mechanisms.

(*) The DropBox software must be running on your computer for synchronization to take place.
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Re: Sharing documents with individuals in other countries

Post by jmt356 »

How insecure are documents kept in DropBox? Are they encrypted? Assuming I have encryption on my Wifi network, how hard would it be for third parties to access the documents? How does this security compare with, for example, emailing the documents via Gmail?

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Re: Sharing documents with individuals in other countries

Post by StuartR »

If you want to store encrypted documents in DropBox then you should encrypt them before you upload them, and share the encryption keys with people who need access using a different channel to the one where you share the DropBox link.