can't find USB files

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can't find USB files

Post by capri »


We've been forced to upgrade to Windows 8.1 since Microsoft no longer supports XP. I have several files on my old XP hard drive which I have connected via a USB port. I feel dumb but cannot locate these files to open them. The This PC section only shows the folders on the PC and the CD drive. How do I get the files on the USB port to show so that I can use them?

Thanks for any help and sorry such a basic question.

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Re: can't find USB files

Post by HansV »

What happens if you disconnect then reconnect the USB drive?
If your computer has multiple USB ports, see if it makes a difference if you use a different port.
Best wishes,
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Re: can't find USB files

Post by capri »

Thanks Hans, it worked on a different port. Not sure why the original one didn't work. But at least now I can see the files.

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Re: can't find USB files

Post by Claude »

It is hoped that before the end of the century, Microsoft will fix this bug, which has been hanging around since Windows XP. Mind you, it keeps me employed as customers keep asking for help, and, as long as they don't hear about Hans, I should be ok :evilgrin:
Cheers, Claude.