Tip: post options, attachments and polls

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Tip: post options, attachments and polls

Post by HansV »

Below the area where you create or edit a post, you can set various options, such as whether to add your signature (if you defined one in User Control Panel).
You can also add one or more attachments, and if you have posted at least three questions, add a poll to the thread (topic).

In this tip we'll look at post options in detail. The next posts in this thread will deal with attachments and polls.

Post options

Post options are displayed immediately below the area where you type/edit your post.
  • Disable BBCode: if ticked, BBCodes such as [b]...[/b] will be displayed as entered in your post, instead of being converted to formatting. You can set the default for this check box in User Control Panel > Board Preferences > Edit Posting Defaults.
  • Disable smilies: if ticked, smile codes such as :grin: will be displayed as entered in your post, instead of being converted to smilies. You can set the default for this check box in User Control Panel > Board Preferences > Edit Posting Defaults.
  • Do not automatically parse URLs: if ticked, web addresses and e-mail addresses will be displayed as entered, instead of being converted to clickable links.
  • Attach a signature: if ticked, your signature will be displayed at the bottom of your post. You can create and edit a signature in the Profile tab of the User Control Panel. You can set the default for this check box in User Control Panel > Board Preferences > Edit Posting Defaults.
  • Notify me when a reply is posted: if ticked, you'll receive an e-mail when someone replies to your post. You can set the default for this check box in User Control Panel > Board Preferences > Edit Posting Defaults.
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Tip: adding an attachment

Post by HansV »

In this post we'll show how to add an attachment.

Below the area where you enter/edit your post, you'll see three tabs: Options, Attachments, and Poll creation.
(Poll creation is not available if your post count is less than 3, or if you're posting a reply.)

To add an attachment:

  • Activate the 'Attachments' tab.
  • Click 'Add files'.
  • Locate the file that you want to attach. Allowed file types are listed below, and the maximum file size is 256 KB. If your file is too large, try zipping it.
  • Click Open.
  • Alternatively, drag and drop files from Explorer/Finder into the message area.
  • If you wish, you can add a file comment that will be displayed below the attachment.
  • If you want to place the attachment within the text of your post, click where you want it, then click 'Place inline'.
  • If you don't click 'Place inline', the attachment will be displayed at the bottom of your post.
  • If you want to get rid of the attachment, click 'Delete file'.
  • If you want to attach another file, repeat the steps described above.
  • You can add up to 3 attachments to a post.
Allowed file types:

Images: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png (not .bmp, for bitmap files are unnecessarily large)
Compressed archives: .zip (use this to attach file types that can't be attached directly)
Documents: Word (.doc, .dot, .docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm, .rtf), Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsx), PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptm, .pptx), PDF (.pdf)
Text files: .txt
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Tip: add a poll to a thread

Post by HansV »

In this post, we'll show how to create a poll. This is only possible if you have a post count of 3 or more, and in the first post of a thread (topic), not in a reply. In in other words, you can add only one poll per thread.

How to add a poll
  • If you're using the prosilver skin, activate the 'Poll creation' tab below the edit area. Otherwise, scroll down to the 'Poll creation' section below the 'Upload attachment section'.
  • Type the question that you want members to vote on in the 'Poll question' box.
  • Enter the options that members can choose from in the 'Poll options' box. Each option should be on a separate line.
  • If you want to allow members to select more than one option, enter the maximum number in the 'Options per user' box.
  • If you want to run the poll for a limited number of days, enter the number in the 'Run poll for' box. If you leave it at 0 or clear the box, the poll will run indefinitely.
  • If you want to allow members to change their vote after they submitted it, tick the check box 'Allow re-voting'. (This could be confusing)
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