I found some cans of peaches from which both ends could be removed and thought “if I take two of these cans home, empty them, and cut them in half” with the grinder I bought second-hand from David, I will have four crumpet rings. Well! Hello RUDI!

I opened the first can and ate them all that night. These peach segments are firm, not crunchy; cooked, but not like the sloppy pulp I was used to in WA. I recommend them for dessert. You will impress your friends. Meanwhile back at the ranch ... I cut the can in half, removed the other end, and had home-made crumpets for the first time in my life. I was driven to this extreme because no-one in Bonavista eats crumpets and so the stores do not stock crumpets, and so no-one eats crumpets, and so ....
I have been eating crumpets since before I was ten, and my mother carried the tradition to WA (slathered with butter and then the holes loaded with melted honey ...)
Toronto stocked them, but they seemed too dry; perhaps extra-dried for reasons of preservation.
After I had bottled my four three-pound tubs of Turkey Stew (“take three 370 ml cans of tomato paste ...”) I washed up three empty cans this morning and noticed that my cans of tomato paste have suitable ends. Of Course! I had started trawling for cans after the tuna and salmon section, and that means after the tomato paste section.
I now think that I will use each 370ml can as is and not cut the can in half. The can will be tall, it is true, but the Three?-inch height gives me a place to grab the can while I poke the formed crumpet out of the other end. Besides cutting a can in half always leaves a curl of metal that threatens to slice a finger or two.
(signed) (