Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

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Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

Post by Rudi »

I use MS Publisher 2010 linked to excel. Every time I get into it, it asks to update links. Every time it goes out to update a link it asks if I want to open the spreadsheet again, and again, and again, and again. It eventually updates everything correctly, but I have to sit there and click the box over and over. I can't find any code in the VB for Publisher that allows one to turn off warnings as can be done in Access (docmd.setwarnings false) or Excel (application.displayalerts = false). To say this is annoying doesn't even scratch the surface since there are about 40 linked sections in the publication.

Anyone out there have ideas?

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Re: Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

Post by HansV »

I created a Publisher document with a series of links to an Excel workbook. When I open the document or update the links, I get a single progress dialog, not repeated prompts.
Does your document contain links to 40 different workbooks?

Publisher VBA is far less sophisticated than Word or Excel VBA, so it's not surprising you couldn't find anything to suppress the update prompt.
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Re: Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

Post by Rudi »

I get the same progress dialog, but the prompt activates as a separate msgbox and this appears for all individual links, whether you have 3 or 40. The links are from different sheets in the same workbook.

TIA for your assistance
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Re: Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

Post by HansV »

That's strange - it looks like the DDE link between Publisher and Excel doesn't work correctly.
Check the following in Excel:
- Select File | Options...
- Click Advanced.
- Scroll down to the General section.
- Make sure that "Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)" is NOT ticked.
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Re: Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

Post by Rudi »

It is uncheck.

I have noticed in my attempts to find a solution that it seems to be a common issue...not just a sporadic occurrence. I tested it in Word (as in links from excel in Word and Word has many ways to paste as a link: eg: HTML, Picture, Office Object. Publisher only has Office Object. Also when i paste link in Word with HTML, the link only prompts once to update even with multiple HTML objects, whereas if i paste as an Office Object, even Word prompts to update each object one at a time.

This is terrible... I hope there is a solution to curbing these multiple confirmations.

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Re: Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

Post by HansV »

Perhaps you need to repair your Office installation. When I select Paste > Paste Special > Paste Link in Publisher, with an Excel range on the clipboard, the only available type is "Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object Link".
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Re: Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

Post by Rudi »

Actually, what I referred to as an Office object is listed as a "Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object Link". I just could not remember what it was I refered to it as that. Notice in Word the default is HTML, but it also has the Worksheet Object Link. If one uses this prompts to update each one individually.
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Re: Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

Post by HansV »

All I can say that it's not standard behavior in Publisher 2010, so try repairing your Office installation from the Programs and Features control panel.
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Re: Auto update links in MS Publisher 2010

Post by Rudi »

I will try that. TX.

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