Highlight text - Publisher

Egg 'n' Bacon
Posts: 736
Joined: 18 Mar 2010, 11:05

Highlight text - Publisher

Post by Egg 'n' Bacon »

I'm sure this is going to be one of those silly questions, but none of us in the office can figure out how to add a colour highlight to text, in Publisher 2007.

Someoone please put us out of our misery.


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Re: Highlight text - Publisher

Post by HansV »

Publisher doesn't have a highlight text feature. As a workaround:
- Create a rectangle.
- Set its fill colour to the desired highlight colour.
- Set its line colour to none.
- Move and resize the rectangle so that it covers the text that you want to highlight.
- With the rectangle still selected, select Arrange | Order | Send to Back.
Best wishes,

Egg 'n' Bacon
Posts: 736
Joined: 18 Mar 2010, 11:05

Re: Highlight text - Publisher

Post by Egg 'n' Bacon »

Ah, that explains why we couldn't find it :laugh:

Thank you Hans :thankyou: