A programming technique around which to wrap your head

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A programming technique around which to wrap your head

Post by ChrisGreaves »

https://archive.org/stream/anotherICL_a ... y_djvu.txt

"In the current climate of moderate panic about the Millennium Bug, I'm happy to remember that the very first problem that we were set by John Sisam in the P.C.C. programming course in November 1958 was to read a series of year numbers and decide which ones were leap years. We had of course to include the check that a century year is only leap if it is divisible by 400.
Several instructions could be saved by reading the data as though the tens and units came after the decimal point. What a magnificent preparation for the problems of forty years later! "

Sleep well!

If it isn't one thing it's another, and very often both. E.F.Benson