Sony CD Architect 5.2

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Sony CD Architect 5.2

Post by WyllyWylly »

I've encountered a strange issue with CD creation using CD Architect, and cannot find any additional information on the web about it. It goes a little something like this:

CD Architect was used to create a layout. The program *appears* to function beautifully, with crossfades and everything working perfectly. The burn is successful. Then it starts to get a little strange... the finished CD will play back just peachy keen in a computer's CD ROM drive, but on non-PC units (such as a home stereo CD deck) all of the audio is contained in track one, and the remaining tracks are empty. The tracks are present, they just don't contain audio information.

Supposedly this application creates Redbook standard CDs, but if they aren't going to work in someone's car, home or portable player, they're just coasters in my opinion. Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting? I've covered the obvious (all updates applied to Windows and the application). I don't understand how the disc can work as intended in a computer but not in the car.

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Re: Sony CD Architect 5.2

Post by HansV »

Stupid question: have you made sure that the CD is finalized? Non-finalized CDs can be read by CD ROM drives in a computer, but not by standard audio CD players.
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Re: Sony CD Architect 5.2

Post by WyllyWylly »

Yes. It's finalized. And if you use an application to extract (rip) the audio, each track contains the audio it should - which leads me to wonder if it has something to do with the index that is written to the disc.

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Re: Sony CD Architect 5.2

Post by WyllyWylly »

Just a quick note to update the problem - it's been resolved. Turns out it was a peculiarity with the actual DVD/CD writer, which is brand new - by simply using the other burner (which is IDE instead of SATA) the CD was written correctly and plays everywhere. Who'd have thought? And computers are supposed to make your life easier.

As a side note, the burner that produced faulty discs is a generic brand, the drive that works properly is a Samsung. Both are reported as TSSTcorp CDDVDW but different model numbers. Not sure if Samsung's name has anything to do with it, as I think most optical drives are produced by relatively few manufacturers and rebranded.
Last edited by WyllyWylly on 25 Feb 2010, 08:49, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sony CD Architect 5.2

Post by HansV »

Thanks for the update!
Best wishes,