concept mapping software

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Panoramic Lounger
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concept mapping software

Post by stuck »

I came across this site:
the other day and was able to try out the software today. I found it dead easy to use, very intuitive. Only down side so far has been occasional apparent inactivity/hangs but I think its because the two PCs I put it on are a bit elderly.


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Re: concept mapping software

Post by Samantha »

Thanks for the pointer, Ken. I installed the full version on my work machine, but only had 10 minutes with which to play with it before I had to get back to productive work. I just tried installing CMapLite on my netbook, and even the lite version won't install. Did you install the full version or the (recommended) Lite version on your older PCs?

I'll install the full version on my home computer once I get home tonight and play with it until bedtime.

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Re: concept mapping software

Post by stuck »

I used the full version on both machines. Mine is a P4, 1.6GHz, 640Mb RAM, running Win 2K. The other is a PIII, 1.0GHz, 512MB RAM, running Win XP. The installer ran fine on both.

The default folder for 'My Cmaps' is under 'My Documents' on the local HDD. I reset it on both machines to point to the same network folder so that the two of us tinkering with this can at least partially collaborate by being able to access each others camps (though not at the same time, it seems you need the server version for that). It is possible the long network path and/or the sharing of the same 'My Cmaps' folder are also contributory factors to the unresponsiveness we found, which ws mainly associated with loading & saving. Both PCs are due for replacement next week (ooo ooo ooo ooo! a PC that will boot in less than 10mins and with 2 x 22" wide screen monitors - whoa! steady on Ken, calm down, breath slowly, it's only a PC)

If this software allows us to model the interwoven office procedures / business systems that make up the peculiar branch of science I work in then we can hang our Quality System documentation on it and map it to our custom db. And that would be a Very Good Thing.

Phase 1 is to outline this idea on the stand alone version. Phase 2 will be to persuade 'the powers that be' to let us try out the server version and thus allow full multi-user access.


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Re: concept mapping software

Post by JoeP »


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Re: concept mapping software

Post by stuck »

JoeP wrote:Reminds me of MindManager 8 for Windows
It was because I was searching for free mind mapping software (that would be a separate thread) that I came a cross this package. However, it seems to have more flexibility than 'regular' mind mapping stuff like Freemind or Xmind. The ability to hang resources, be those web links, shortcuts to docs or whatever (might even slip in some :groovin: calming .mp3 files for those more :hairout: stressful office moments) and to be able to interconnect them in multiple ways is good for my purposes.
