I have a simple setup that allows me to put the old 3x5 or similar photos on a tabletop under a rack that my iPhone rests in. I can usually get the image centered in the iPhone viewfinder and snap a pic which I then can crop and enhance on my computer. While this isn't perfect, it works for formats up to about 8x10. I have trouble trying to capture framed images due to light reflecting on glass in the frames; so that's another issue in search of a solution.
I have a large extended family. I'm one of 3 left in my generation, the oldest. I want to get nieces and nephews to use their smartphones to make digital photos of old photos they have. The ultimate goal is to create a private family repository of these images and whatever commentary on them. I'm creating a website toward that end. Yes, we could use one of the social media sites, but I want to include photos that we might not want to be so public as they would be on fb, ig, x, etc.
If I can find (or create) instructions for simple DIY setups that my siblings kids can follow, it will greatly facilitate the process. So far I've been unable to find the right search terms to turn up sources on the 'Net for such instructions. Knowing that we have some photography mavens here, I thought I'd pick your brains.