Should my home page name reflect my service

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Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by ABabeNChrist »

When I created my Yahoo web with SiteBuilder (over 2 year ago) my home page by default was already named Index. I’m trying to come up with tactics that will increase my placement on search. Could I change the name of my home page “Index” to a name that better describes my service, or will this not makes any difference? I’m am currently using key words and description on my home currently to help with my search. what's your thoughts...

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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by Leif »

By name, do you mean your home page is "Index.html", or that its title is showing at the top of the browser as (e.g.) "My Website - Index - Mozilla Firefox" as the Lounge appears below :
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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by ABabeNChrist »

When I open SiteBuilder and review all my .html pages, the page that refers to my home page is labeled “Index.html”, but when viewed on the web browser the home page reflects my domain name." onclick=";return false;

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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by Leif »

I would leave it as is, in that case. If you are using 'standard' HTML (as opposed to php for example) you are limited to what you can name your default page.

As described at What is the index.html page - default.htm index.htm - Default Web pages - your choices are:

default.htm (on some Windows servers)

and I recommend you stick with index.html !

In answer to your original question, I doubt if the actual file name makes any difference at all to search engines - they concentrate on keywords and HTML meta tags (as well as the content!)

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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by ABabeNChrist »

Thanks Leif

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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by ABabeNChrist »

So I if I were to add a HTML tag in my home page HTML Head, how many characters can be used and do each key words need to be separated by a ,
also is more or less key words better
Sample below

Code: Select all

<meta name="Inspection reports, Inspector" content="HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript">

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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by Leif »

ABabeNChrist wrote:So I if I were to add a HTML tag in my home page HTML Head, how many characters can be used and do each key words need to be separated by a ,
also is more or less key words better
If you Google 'meta tag optimization', you will countless pages offering advice:
Secrets of META TAGS explained.
Meta-Tag Optimization Tips: A Search Usability Perspective
Search Engine Marketing Guide - Web Site Optimisation - Title and Meta Tags

I don't really think the quantity is as important as quality, but I do remember reading once that if you try and 'improve' your keyword rating by using the same phrase multiple times, e.g.:
<meta name="keywords" content="Inspection reports, Inspection reports, Inspection reports, Inspection reports, Inspection reports">
search engines will deliberately ignore them.

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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by ABabeNChrist »

Thanks Leif, that was my understanding also. The key words or I should say phases will be similar but different
I thought I’d use the same key words I have in my home page properties key words as home page HTML Head
I’ll also look over the web sites you have provided

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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by ABabeNChrist »

I have another question, is the Page Properties and HTML one in the same or are they different. Here are sample below how they appear when selected.
The reason why I asked is I don’t want to cause conflict by using both (repetitive)
Here is the Page Properties
Here is the HTML
HTML Head.jpg
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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by Leif »

ABabeNChrist wrote:I have another question, is the Page Properties and HTML one in the same or are they different.
Sorry - I don't really know enough to understand what 'HTML Properties' refers to, and don't recognise the term. Perhaps it is something that the Help files of 'SiteBuilder' can assist with?

(The screen-grabs you show below appear to be for a blank page. What do you see if you look at the properties of a completed page?)

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Re: Should my home page name reflect my service

Post by ABabeNChrist »

Leif wrote:The screen-grabs you show below appear to be for a blank page. What do you see if you look at the properties of a completed page?
These pages were only posted as a sample of the two different or selections to choose from and I wasn’t sure if they are one in the same just different avenues to enter data. I don’t wish over do it to a point it is causes conflict to my web site , but at the same time I trying to maximizes the search capibilities.