WordPress.org web site

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Dave Davison
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WordPress.org web site

Post by Dave Davison »

I note the comment made by Hans that this forum does not specialize on web site advice but on the off chance that someone is familiar with WordPress, I submit this post. I have been asked to edit the web site of our church and feel it needs more variety so searched You Tube and -following one tutorial -was able to add a stat counter to the Home page. Quite chuffed but when I ventured into the realm of adding mp3 sermons hit a snag in that there are options shown on the tutorial that don't appear on my screen when I follow the steps exactly.http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=xwC ... ature=fvwp These four options are referred to at precisely 2.33 minutes into the tutorial. Second, when I upload an audio file, instantly -upon completion- I get a message saying there is an HTTP error which aborts the upload. Hope you excuse Word doc, easier that attaching four screen shots. :thankyou: Dave.
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Re: WordPress.org web site

Post by HansV »

Have you actually installed and configured the Audio Player plugin shown in the YouTube video?

BTW, notice the comment from the video's author that it's outdated and that he'll be posting an updated video soon...
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Dave Davison
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Re: WordPress.org web site

Post by Dave Davison »

Hello Hans......not untypical of me I did not notice the comment you enlightened me about and maybe I will uninstall the player and start afresh. However, I can't understand why - if his tutorial was out of date- it showed four options whereas mine only showed one which would maybe suggest mine was even more out of date. Will let you know how I get on. Dave. :scratch: :scratch:

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Re: WordPress.org web site

Post by westerneagle »

Perhaps you could use a different Plugin....

If you go to your dashboard and go to Plugins and add new, then search for "Mp3" it brings up a plethora of mp3 players.

I didn't do it, but you might even search for 'sermon mp3' or etc.

EDIT. Ok I just searched for "Sermon" and it listed some interesting plugins, that just might be what you are looking for.
Mike J

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Dave Davison
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Re: WordPress.org web site

Post by Dave Davison »

Thanks Mike will explore that option and see what I can achieve. I have discovered from the guy who built the site that there is a limit of 20 MB regarding upload so after fishing around I find that this is equivalent to an mp3 audio of less than 45 mins which is rubbish also that he has contacted the server who is reluctant to increase the upload capacity. Seems to so do could limit the number of web sites they can cope with. If this is what we are stuck with unless we change the server, the only alternative I can think of is to post links to web sites which the sermons are on, not being able to upload any that are recorded in our own church. Cheers Dave.